
19:25, 17 Oct 2024 4 756
In the new Minecraft Beta and Preview update the developers have improved the Pale Garden biome, as well as made some changes and fixed problems. Details are below and on the developers' website.
Winter Drop Features
- Pale Moss patches are now larger when naturally generated.
- Pale Moss patches now have a chance to naturally generate without being adjacent to a Pale Oak.
- Pale Moss patches now have less Tall Grass growing on them.
- Increased Pale Oak density to match Java edition.
- Flowers and Mushrooms no longer generate in the biome.
- While in the biome, the sky is now completely gray instead of blue at the horizon.
- The color of the Stripped Pale Oak Log is now brighter, matching the rest of the woodset.
- Pale Oak Saplings now grow into Pale Oaks with Hanging Pale Moss on them, but no Pale Moss patch at their base.
- The Pale Oak Sign UI no longer has a missing pixel in the upper left corner.
- The textures of the Pale Oak Sign and Pale Oak Hanging Sign items have been adjusted for consistency with other items in the woodset.
- The texture of the Pale Oak Boat with Chest item has been adjusted for consistency with other Boats with Chest.
- Pale Moss Carpet no longer floats in the player’s hand while in 3rd-person view.
- Creaking Heart:
- Creaking Heart with a spawned Creaking and partial Pale Oak support now deactivates if the Creaking is despawned via commands.
- Creaking Heart data is no longer retained when ctrl-picking the block in Creative Mode.
- Creaking Heart is now immovable by Pistons.
- Creaking Heart can no longer be used as fuel.
- Creaking Heart spawning and despawning its Creaking now emits vibrations from the Creaking’s position.
- The following blocks now only drop when broken with a pickaxe:
- Blast Furnace
- Cauldron
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Enchanting Table
- Furnace
- Hopper
- Smoker
- The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool:
- All Copper Doors
- Iron Door
- Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
- Light Weighted Pressure Plate
- Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate
- Stone Pressure Plate
- The following blocks (which always drop) are now mined faster when using the incorrect tool:
- Bell
- Brewing Stand
- Crafter
- Ender Chest
- Lantern
- Soul Lantern
- Note that the Ender Chest is considered an 'always drops block' even though the drop is not an Ender Chest
- Budding Amethyst is now slower to mine with an improper tool.
- Zombified Piglins spawned by Nether Portals now have a 15-second cooldown before they can use the Portal again.
- Updated Heavy Core's item texture.
- Added a loading modal when changing active realms slots to prevent a glitch where multiple Realms Slot Settings Screen are pushed to the stack because of player's button mashing the Edit World button.
- Added a new Realm Event related to mobs.
- Removed the "New Bed Screen" toggle from video settings.
- Fixed an issue with Haptic feedback on iOS.
- The kill command or any damage greater or equal to the target's current life will now kill it in base game versions below 1.18.20.
- Textures with multiple variations will now load PBR texture data.
- Fixed issue where game mode and difficulty were not being preserved after uploading or replacing world in Realms Slot.
- Adjusted volume & pitch for break, hit, place, fall, step & land sounds for the Amethyst Block.
- Tweaked position of paper doll to not overlap with UI bars.
- Mobile devices: Going into windowed/split-screen mode no longer overwrites saved positions of customized controls.
- Thai font rendering improvements for chat and signs.
- Added missing quickswap animations in GUI for several blocks.
- Bundles that are moved under a player's cursor now correctly update their tooltip.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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