
19:07, 18 Sep 2024 4 868
The Minecraft Beta and Preview update. Bundle can be dyed in 16 different colors, Bats spawns in the world under new game rules. Various changes have been made and issues have been fixed. More details below and on the developers website.
- The Bundle can now be dyed 16 different colors using Dyes.
- Identical Lodestone Compass items now stack up to 64, matching Java Edition.
- Zombified Piglins spawned by a Nether Portal now have 15-second cooldown before it can use the Portal.
- Jump Boost now increases how high a Breeze can jump.
- Updated the rules under which Bats spawn in the world:
- Bats can now spawn at any height, provided the area is covered and sufficiently dark.
- Bats must spawn on one of the following blocks: Stone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Tuff, or Deepslate.
- As a result, Bats may now happen to spawn above the surface.
- Added a new Realm Event.
- Take From Bundle functionality now takes precedence over Clear Hotbar when an item in a Bundle is selected using gamepad.
- Inventory screen no longer shows item categories in tooltips unless the recipe book search screen is actually visible
- Single-tap to destroy now works with joystick/crosshair controls in Creative mode, without causing blocks to glitch
- Fixed double input when using analog triggers on certain gamepads.
- Players getting killed by the Mace's Smash Attack now get the correct death message.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from respawning correctly.
- TNT explosions no longer reset momentum of other falling Primed TNTs. This should fix any issues that were occurring with TNT cannons.
- The Breeze can no longer jump away from a player if it is on top of a Honey Block.
- Fixed issue with Minecarts stopping unexpectedly and then only being pushable in one direction.
- Fixed a bug where Realms invite links could overflow past their text boxes.
- Items no longer get stuck in crafting grid after dropping an identical item from the recipe screen.
- Fixed an issue where the new Bed screen wouldn't be narrated fully in certain scenarios (Preview only).
- Fixed a bug where the experimental Bed screen was missing an overlay when screen animations were disabled (Preview only).
- When using the Swap Jump and Sneak option with touch controls, sneak button no longer flickers when you press close to it.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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