
18:46, 11 Sep 2024 4 713
The Minecraft Beta and Preview update. This update aims to reorganize some items and blocks in the creation inventory. Read more below and on the developers' website.
- Renamed Bundles names are now italicized in the tooltip.
Creative Inventory Changes
- Trial Chamber items:
- Trial Keys were moved to be next to Ominous Trial Keys, very ominous.
- Ominous Bottles were moved next to the existing Potions and were made into its own "Ominous Bottle" group.
- Stone group in the Nature tab:
- Stone was moved into the Stone group, finally.
- Stone is now the front block of the Stone group.
- Basalt and Smooth Basalt were moved into the Stone group.
- Tuff and Polished Tuff were moved into the Stone group.
- Decorative Stone in the Construction tab:
- Smooth Stone was moved into Decorative Stone.
- Tuff Brick, Chiseled Tuff, and Chiseled Tuff Bricks were moved from the Nature Category to Decorative Stone in the Construction Category.
- Prismarine Bricks were moved from the Decorative Stone group, now they are next to Prismarine and Dark Prismarine.
- Copper family etc.:
- Reordered Raw Iron, Raw Copper, Raw Gold to Raw Copper, Raw Iron, Raw Gold.
- The Copper, Iron, and Gold blocks were moved to match the Raw versions ordering.
- The Copper Doors were moved to all the other Doors.
- The Copper Trapdoors were moved to the group with all the other Trapdoors, this is not a trap.
- Copper Blocks and Copper Grates are now sorted by Block type then by Oxidation level, instead of Oxidation level then Block type.
- Tuff family:
- Tuff Stairs, Tuff Slabs, Tuff Walls, and their polished versions were moved from the Nature tab to the Construction Tab into their respective groups.
- Other blocks:
- Bricks are now placed before the Slabs group.
- This change only affects Bricks made from Clay and not all the brick blocks.
- Chiseled Nether Bricks and Cracked Nether Bricks were moved next to the Nether Brick Block and Red Nether Brick.
- Quartz Bricks placed next to the other Quartz blocks.
- Rooted Dirt is now next to the other Dirt blocks.
- Many Dirt blocks and Grass variants were shuffled around to match Java Edition.
- Gravel is now ordered after the Stone group and is next to Sand and Red Sand.
- Clay was moved from the Construction Category to the Nature Category, placed next to the Mud Block.
- Mobs can now perform Mace Smash attacks.
- Re-implemented the left handed mode on touch devices for accessing the inventory from the hotbar.
- Updated references to old block names in behavior pack wood recipe files.
- Updated references to old block names in remaining behavior pack recipe files.
- Removed some Keyboard key bindings from Settings that should only exist in Minecraft Education: Control Tips, Code Builder, and Immersive Reader.
- Fixed an issue with shipwrecks only generating lower-slabs. (This fix will not alter already generated shipwrecks).
- Fixed an issue that caused some blocks to lose their ambient occlusion and for leaves in certain biomes to appear too bright.
- Carved Pumpkin and Skull now rotates with the Bogged's head when worn.
- Mob Spawner step sounds and hit sounds now play at their intended volume.
- Trial Spawner hit sounds now play at their intended volume.
- Wither Skeleton step sounds now play at their intended volume.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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