Map: Entity 303 The Final Shadow

22:19, 29 Jan 2018 34 950
The library was attacked by Creature 303 and you were sent to investigate it. At first glance, there is no danger there. However, as you continue to investigate, you discover that many knights have been killed. Entity 303 The Final Shadow is an adventure map for Minecraft Pocket Edition, in which you have to find Entity 303.

Installing the Entity 303 The Final Shadow map (.mcworld):
- Download the map file .mcworld from the link below.
- Just open the file and the game will install everything you need.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and find the map in the list of worlds.
- Launch the map and enjoy it!
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download map Entity 303 The Final Shadow (.mcworld)
[26.13 Mb] downloads: 25993