Texture: SniperGlass

13:29, 16 Jun 2021 8 981
You have just upgraded to the latest version Minecraft PE 1.17 and want to use a telescope, but its texture does not suit you? With a set of textures SniperGlass the telescope will turn into a sniper rifle.!

As you can see, the telescope model has been changed to a 3D model of a sniper rifle, which you can see both from the first and third person.
When using a telescope (rifle), the sight was also replaced.

As you can see, the telescope model has been changed to a 3D model of a sniper rifle, which you can see both from the first and third person.
When using a telescope (rifle), the sight was also replaced.

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download texture pack SniperGlass (.mcpack)
[1.17 Mb] downloads: 1338
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