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BloodMine Server

Server IP bmpe.pw:19132 [версия 0.16], 19133, 19134, 19135 [версия 1.0.5 - 1.0.9], 19136 [версия 1.1]
Server port 19132 [для 0.16], 19133, 19134, 19135 [для 1.0.5 - 1.0.9] и 19136 [для версии 1.1]
Name BloodMine
Status Статус доступности сервера BloodMine Server
Slots 500
Version 0.16.x - 1.1.x
Server type Survival, parkour

Группа ВК / Сайт

Registered at August 3 at 00:00
Updated at The server information has not been updated yet
Views count 29 662

You just need to visit the server, get used to it a little and almost immediately you will like something. The average online on all servers reaches 400 players, while stable and without lags. There are a lot of categories and themes of the game. There are no restrictions on the level of development, skills and acquired experience, or any other parameters! Everyone who wants to become one of the participants of the most long-awaited server reaches new goals and meets new players.

It is on the BloodMine servers that you will meet many features and unique features such as unique crafting and world generation, clan and player tops, Bank, Magic Items, Bosses, Statistics, vampirism, Lucky Blocks, Cases, Parkour, cigarettes, multi-level quests and much more!

Here you can play tic-tac-toe, the king of the mountain, go through parkour and maze, rob a bank, create your own event, sit on the steps, sell things to the buyer and much more.

The server is available for the following versions of the MCPE:

  • port 19132: for Minecraft PE 0.16.x
  • ports 19133, 19134, 19135: for Minecraft PE 1.0.5 - 1.0.9
  • port 19136: for Minecraft PE 1.1.x
Server screenshots:
Оставить комментарий (всего 31)
Amogus bb blobDance catKISS KEKW MODS MONKE NOOOO peepoSleep popCat ratJAM roflanUpalo WHAT WAA WAWA GIGACHAD RAGEY
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Степан mcpe-ер
    20:53 3 Aug 17
    и у меня Beter Tohner Update beta
  2. Аватарка гостя
    14:29 3 Aug 17
    ?КАК 6О ***
  3. Аватарка гостя
    Анна Кудряшова
    14:12 3 Aug 17
    А мне везёт у меня версия 0.16.0
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Zusha Yankovsky
      1:38 4 Aug 17
      Зачем??? Кто играет в эту хрень????
  4. Аватарка гостя
    Тима Кот
    13:50 3 Aug 17
    И уменя
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Milisa Miller
    13:42 3 Aug 17
    У меня только версия
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