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Mod: Dynamic Light Sources

Mod: Dynamic Light Sources
16:22, 29 Apr 2020 141 327
Dynamic Light Sources mod is an add-on for Minecraft PE (Bedrock), which allows you to illuminate the surrounding area, holding any light source in your hands. With this mod, you will also be able to throw a new torch at long distances, thereby lighting your way!

For the mod to work, you need to activate Experimental gameplay in editing the world.

How does it work?

You can take any light source in your hand, and it will illuminate the surrounding space, the brightness will match its brightness in the game!

Mod: Dynamic Light Sources

21 light sources are supported, including those that were added in the Nether Update. In most cases, light sources can be divided into three categories:
  • Ground only
  • Only in water
  • Can be placed on the ground and in the water

Ground-based light sources only (brightness)
  • Redstone Torch (7)
  • Soul Fire Torch (10)
  • Soul Fire Lantern (10)
  • Torch (14)
  • Campfire (15)
  • Lantern (15)

Light sources placed in water
  • Sea cucumber (6-15)

Light sources placed both on land and in water
  • Magma Block (3)
  • Blue Ice (4)
  • Ender Chest (7)
  • Enchantment Table (12)
  • Shroomlight (15)
  • Jack o'Lantern (15)
  • Sea Lantern (15)
  • Beacon (15)
  • Conduit (15)
  • Glowstone (15)
  • Totem of Undying (7)
  • Ender Rod (14)

Special light sources - Golden Helmet and Totem of Immortality

Totem glows when you hold it in your hand as an item. Wearing a Golden Helmet on himself, he also emits a small light.

Throwing torch

Crafting is the same as a regular torch, but you will need an extra stick in the middle slot for crafting. The brightness of the throwing torch corresponds to an ordinary torch (14).

To throw a torch at a distance, hold down the right mouse button or hold down the screen (if it is a touchscreen device) to charge it, wait for the "click" (or wait for the cooldown to subside) then throw the torch.

The torch will fly until it lands on the block, while spending one torch from the stock of ordinary torches in your inventory.

If a torch hits a mob during the flight, it will light up for a short time.

Have a nice game with new dynamic light sources!

Installing the Dynamic Light Sources mod (.mcaddon):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcaddon from the link below.
  • Just open the file (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource packs.
  • Find the texture pack and activate it.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on and activate it.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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Amogus bb blobDance catKISS KEKW MODS MONKE NOOOO peepoSleep popCat ratJAM roflanUpalo WHAT WAA WAWA GIGACHAD RAGEY
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    9:53 18 May 20
    Б**** не открываются моды пишет недопустимый zip архив помогите
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Артём Шониа
      11:03 21 May 20
      Зайди в диспетчер файлов найди этот мод и открой его через Майнкрафт. Если напишет невозможно открыть файл то скачай файловый менеджер из плеймаркета и открой мод в нем через Майнкрафт
  2. Аватарка гостя
    Челик из инета
    19:35 4 May 20
    Збс заработала советую для тех кто не знал нужно открывать через ес проводник тогда заработает
  3. Аватарка гостя
    Михаил Филиппов
    20:05 2 May 20
    Есть баг: не пропадает свет когда быстро бежишь
  4. Аватарка гостя
    19:55 1 May 20
    П****** горячее Молоко в д******
  5. Аватарка гостя
    SkyPix Tv
    8:17 1 May 20
    Не работает в версии
    1. Аватарка гостя
      55555 вогонь земля вода повітря
      16:12 1 May 20
      Надо 1.14
      1. Аватарка гостя
        Григорий Логинов
        11:07 23 Jun 20
        Я спокойно играю на
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Антон Гоас
    23:01 30 Apr 20
    Кто незнал нада включать експериментальний режим тоді мод заработає
  7. Аватарка гостя
    Антон Гоас
    22:42 30 Apr 20
    Мод клас давно такого ждав благадарю разрабочики
    І ще повисьте мод на вищі версії
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Самойлова Снежана
    18:10 30 Apr 20
    Очень круто это работает скачивать всем
  9. Аватарка гостя
    16:58 30 Apr 20
    Все идеально работает, при прохождении игры придает отмосферу.
  10. Аватарка гостя
    14:36 30 Apr 20
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