Mod: Fused's Falling Leaves

20:27, 13 Aug 2021 (updated on: 18:05, 16 Feb 2025) 77 043
This mod adds to Minecraft PE leaf particles falling from trees, adding realism to your worlds. The particles also have realistic physics and animation, and they also interact with blocks. The leaves will fall within a radius of 10 blocks from the player.

The author has done his best on physics, so it is quite well-developed. It works like this: leaf particles will slowly slide off the foliage of the tree, and then fall to the ground. Fallen leaves will remain on the block below them, and if this block breaks, they will fall again. You can watch a video demonstrating this process:

The lifetime of the particles is about 10 seconds to avoid freezes and bugs. You can also download
the Waving Leaves and Water addon, so that not only the leaves fall, but also the foliage flutters in the wind.
Last update: August 13, 2021.
What's new?
- Added color variations
- Added size variations
- Added direction variations
- Reduced the speed of falling leaves
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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