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Mod: Beyond the Underground

Mod: Beyond the Underground
18:34, 29 Aug 2021 (updated on: 20:00, 3 Aug 2024) 27 580

Mod Beyond the Underground adds new caves where you will meet a variety of blocks, structures, mobs, and be able to create new useful items. If the usual caves in Minecraft if you are bored, then this add-on can fix it.

Glowing caves

These caves are generated exclusively under Mushroom Islands. Here you can feel safe, because this is a peaceful cave in which there are no hostile mobs. The whole cave is covered with vegetation, which very quietly illuminates everything around it.

Mod: Beyond the Underground


  • In this cave, giant mushrooms are generated;
  • Mushrooms of normal size are formed on the surface;
  • A vine grows right out of the ground;
  • All these plants emit a small amount of light!

  • Glowing Stew from glowing mushrooms can be created from 1 bowl and 2 glowing mushrooms;
  • Fills 6 hunger points (3 pieces of meat);
  • Puts a Night Vision effect on you for 15 seconds.


  • Luminite is a blue gemstone that can be found in Glowing Caves;
  • Luminite ore is generated at Y levels from -64 to 12 (from 1 to 12 in old world generation);
  • When destroyed, 1-2 fragments of luminite fall out.

  • Combine 8 pieces of luminite and 1 diamond on the workbench to get 1 luminite
  • Luminite can be used to make equipment!
  • Equipment made of luminite can burn in fire, but is invulnerable to explosions.

Here is a detailed picture proving that luminite is the next stage in the evolution of your armor:


  • Mushroom Elf appears in Glowing Caves;
  • They can be bred using Glowing Mushrooms;
  • They spawn in large groups of 4-8 pieces;
  • They have 8 health (4 hearts) and they die almost instantly from lava;
  • They run away from the player, but they can be lured with the help of glowing mushrooms;
  • When they are killed, 0-2 glowing mushrooms fall out.

Slimy pit

  • These caves are generated exclusively under swamps;
  • This is a very dangerous cave with a thick green fog that limits the drawing distance.


  • A layer of slimy stone replaces the stone, it will slow you down
  • A thick layer of mucus covers most of the surfaces
  • Slimy flowers and slimy sprouts grow here and there all over the cave
  • Carefully! Slime dripping from the ceiling!

  • Slime soup can be created from 1 bowl and 2 balls of slime;
  • Makes up for 3 hunger points (1.5 pieces of meat);
  • Gives you "High Jump II" for 8 seconds and "Resistance II" for 5 seconds;
  • Has a 45% chance to impose on you "Hunger I" for 30 seconds and "Nausea II" for 20 seconds.

Slime zombies

  • Slime zombies spawn in a Slime Pit
  • They appear in large hordes from 4 to 7 pieces
  • They have 20 health (10 hearts), like ordinary zombies
  • They will throw hardened slime balls at enemies that deal 7 damage (3.5 hearts) without armor
  • When they die, rotten flesh and hardened balls of slime fall from them
  • Slugs from vanilla Minecraft spawn here much more often — in groups of 2 to 4 pieces.

Limestone caves

These caves are created exclusively in deserts. This is a very dusty cave with a thick yellowish-pale fog.


  • All the stone in this cave has been replaced with Limestone, Paved Limestone and Sandstone;
  • Sometimes generates Quicksand;
  • Hanging from the ceiling here, Sandy Roots/

  • Scorpions spawn in Limestone Caves;
  • They appear in packs of 2-4 pieces;
  • They have 16 health (i.e. 8 hearts);
  • They inflict 10 seconds of Poison on each attack;
  • Raw Scorpion meat falls out of them at death (or Fried Scorpion meat if they died in fire or lava);
  • Vanilla Cadavers also appear here, and quite often. Usually in groups of 2-4 mobs.


  • Raw Scorpion meat makes up for one point of hunger (or 0.5 hearts);
    • It will impose on you the effect of Poison II for 10 seconds, Hunger III for 10 seconds and Nausea III for 8 seconds;

  • Raw Scorpion meat can be fried in an oven or smokehouse to cook it. Then it will fill 5 points of the hunger scale (2.5 hearts).

  • Raw Scorpion meat can be used to brew potions of Deadly Poison.

Limestone dungeons
  • There are 4 spawners, 2 with scorpions and 2 with cadavers;
  • In the middle is a chest with valuable loot.

  • Limestone dungeons are built from Limestone Bricks. You can create them out of limestone, and there are many other options!

  • Ice caves

    Ice caves are generated under cold biomes.

    Ice caves in Minecraft

    Ice blocks

    In the ice caves you will find a variety of new blocks.

    • Ice crystals and frozen rocks appear on the surface of caves;
    • Crystal ice and blue ice make up the ceiling of the cave;
    • You can find pebbles on the floor;
    • Icicles hang down from above.

    • Penguins appear in ice caves and on the surface of cold biomes;
    • They appear in groups of 3 to 5 on the surface and 2 to 4 underground;
    • Penguins have 10 health units (5 hearts);
    • Vagrants appear here more often, in groups of 2 to 4.

    Penguins in Minecraft

    Frozen potion

    • Ice crystals can be used to create a Cold Potion, which gives slowness and mountain fatigue.

    Cold potion in Minecraft

    Lost Explorer's Camp

    • Camps of lost explorers appear in ice caves between Y=-30 and 20.
    • Due to an error in the game, explorers will not appear in structures, interact with a suitcase with an emerald in your hand to summon it.

    Lost Explorer in Minecraft

    Ice blocks

    • Packed ice bricks can be created using packed ice.

    New ice blocks in Minecraft


    • You can select a subpack by applying a behavior pack to your world, and then clicking the gear next to the deactivate button.
    • You must have version 1.17.10 or higher. Betas, 21 and 22 are not supported.
    • When upgrading to a newer version, set the subpack to the correct parameters.
    • Incorrect subpack settings may cause errors

    In the settings of the world, do not forget to enable the experiment functions.

    Activating the mod

    Last updated: August 29, 2021
    What's new?

    • Added Ice caves appearing under cold caves
    • Added icicles and ice crystals
    • Lost seekers dwell in these caves
    • Penguins added

    Last version: 1.2
    Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
    Download mod Beyond the Underground (.mcaddon)
    [8.6 Mb] downloads: 6147

    Supported versions
    Amogus bb blobDance catKISS KEKW MODS MONKE NOOOO peepoSleep popCat ratJAM roflanUpalo WHAT WAA WAWA GIGACHAD RAGEY
    reload, if the code cannot be seen
    1. Аватарка гостя
      11:40 5 Jan 25
      Хороший мод
      У меня майн 1.21.60
    2. Аватарка гостя
      Пабло Паблович
      14:45 16 Jun 22
      Блин, ? где на 1.18?!
    3. Аватарка гостя
      метный голем
      5:09 9 Apr 22
      Опять разбойник ити насосиска
    4. Аватарка гостя
      метный голем
      5:07 9 Apr 22
      Ты тупой разбойник школьники тоже в майнкрафте играют
    5. Аватарка гостя
      16:37 4 Sep 21
      Емм я тоже Олд с 2013 играю но не оскорб игру
    6. Аватарка гостя
      5:37 30 Aug 21
      вашу 1.17 любят только школьники тупые а для стариков Майнкрафта это полная херня
      1. Аватарка гостя
        16:36 30 Aug 21
        Мой брат настоящий Олд в Майнкрафте и играл со времён появления этой игры на телефонах, и ему нравится обновление 1.17! И кстати, твоё мнение ни как не повлияет!
        1. Аватарка гостя
          16:39 30 Aug 21
          Я написал про твоё мнение потому что у такие люди считающие новое плохим меня бесят!!!!!!!
          1. Аватарка гостя
            10:49 31 Aug 21
            иди на фиг идеот школьник а меня бесят те люди которые старое плохим считают иди от сюда петух сраный гавна бак
            1. Аватарка гостя
              17:06 27 Sep 21
              Эхх... С такой грамматикой другого человека называть школьником... Это идиотизм, учи русский и перед тем как писать такое закончи 4 класс
            2. Аватарка гостя
              18:31 31 Oct 21
              Ну чел Обнова 1.17 кому как нравится я Олд в плане майна но если тебе не нравится 1.17 это твоё дело почему школьники скажы
      2. Аватарка гостя
        метный голем
        5:11 9 Apr 22
        Ты фигня разбойник школьники тоже в майн играют
        1. Аватарка гостя
          Я за разбойнека
          17:35 11 Aug 22
          А ти дібіл а він топ
    7. Аватарка гостя
      20:36 8 Jul 21
      Вся броня отображается некорректно из за этого мода.
      1. Аватарка гостя
        17:07 27 Sep 21
    8. Аватарка гостя
      Yasper moglot
      20:41 27 Jun 21
      Мод неплохой но, я ни разу не видел генерации как на скриншоте, очень мало контента в известняковых пещерах
    9. Аватарка гостя
      11:59 4 Jun 21
      1. Аватарка гостя
        16:39 12 Oct 24
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