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Mod: Solar Apocalypse

Mod: Solar Apocalypse
13:37, 22 Jan 2021 14 327
The sun is approaching the Earth, the temperature is rising, it looks like there will be a solar apocalypse soon. The world will never be the same, you have a choice - adapt or die!

Warning: this mod is in alpha testing, it can destroy your worlds, so please make backups before launching. The solar apocalypse cannot be stopped or returned to a pre-apocalyptic state, so be careful.


You can choose the apocalypse mode:

Slow mode - for devices with low performance. The apocalypse is about 1.5 times slower than in the average mode. The playing time takes about 1.5 months.

Medium - for most devices. It takes about 1 month of playing time to complete.

Fast - for powerful devices. The apocalypse happens 2 times faster than the average mode.

The maximum is only for Win10. The speed of the apocalypse is slightly higher than in the fast mode, but the radius is increased (196 blocks instead of 100 in other modes). To activate this feature, you also need to set the simulation distance to 12 blocks.

Slow mode is selected by default

Mod: Solar Apocalypse

Chronology of the apocalypse

Every x seconds (17 in slow mode, 10 in average and 5 in fast and maximum), various apocalypse actions occur.

The effect of the apocalypse depends on the current tick. For convenience, it is displayed on the sidebar of each player.

1 tick of the apocalypse = 1 tick in the game (1/20 s)

At 15,000 ticks, snow and ice begin to melt

At 30,000 ticks, plants begin to disappear, the earth becomes rough, and water evaporates (turns into sand).

At 45,000 ticks, fire begins to appear. More ticks - more fire.

Mobs start burning under the sun for 33,000 ticks (the most unsuitable to fire) and 45,000 ticks (the most adapted). Mobs from Nether don't burn.

The player starts burning for 40,000 ticks.

The netherite helmet will help to escape from the fire.

At 110,000 ticks, the sand begins to turn into glass, and the cacti disappear.


This mod supports multiplayer, but small errors are possible.

Other dimensions

The apocalypse will not touch Nether in any way.

Netherite bugs may appear in the End (they will be fixed in the next update).

This mod does NOT require experimental mode. Works on all Minecraft PE (Bedrock) 1.16+ platforms.

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    10:49 25 Aug 24
    Здравствуйте, мод классный работает даже на версии 1.20 , только вот можно как нибудь отключить спавн мирных мобов днëм?
  2. Аватарка гостя
    18:28 29 Oct 21
    Очень крутой аддон! Больше бы таких постепенно влияющих на игровой мир.
  3. Аватарка гостя
    12:52 25 Mar 21
    Значит один из способов выжить это свалить в незер или край. А можно ещё бузу глубины невероятной замутить.
  4. Аватарка гостя
    У меня 100000 тиков прошло и нифига
    8:16 31 Jan 21
    У меня 100000 тиков прошло и нифига
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Кто я
    17:41 23 Jan 21
    А что делать если даже на 100000 тике ничего не происходит
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Кто-то (меня нет, а может есть)
    17:32 23 Jan 21
    Крутой мод.) ☕☕☕? Надо строить подземный дом. Если и там мы не зажаремся. Хз
    1. Аватарка гостя
      15:52 24 Feb 21
      О я о том же подумал, ещё и засунуть под землю животных, воду, растения и т.д.
      1. Аватарка гостя
        17:44 14 Jan 22
        Это сложно,но возможно. Мод реально крутой, только есть некоторые баги(оно и понятно, ведь это только альфа версия)
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