ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Prehistoric Life

Mod: Prehistoric Life

Mod: Prehistoric Life
13:13, 21 May 2021 65 095
Prehistoric Life is a add-on designed for those who love dinosaurs, with the possibility of taming.

For Minecraft 1.16.100 and higher!


Health: 400-500;
Damage: 18-21;
Biome: Plains and Savannah;
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.

Mod: Prehistoric Life


Health: 500-600
Damage: 18-21
Biome: Plains and Savannah.
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.


Health: 500-600
Damage: 18-21
Biome: Plains and Savannah.
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.


Health: 500-600
Damage: 18-21
Biome: Plains and Savannah.
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.


Health: 700-900
Damage: 33-36
Biome: Plains and Savannah.
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.


Health: 700-800
Damage: 33-40
Biome: Plains and Savannah.
Ability: The peculiarity of these dinosaurs is a large load capacity.


Health: 300-400
Damage: 15-17
Biome: Snowy.
Ability: The peculiarity of carnivorous dinosaurs is that they can attack monsters with:
  • Creepers - gunpowder
  • Skeletons - bones
  • Zombie rotting meat
  • Enderman - the Pearl of the Edge
  • Spiders and cave spiders - thread
  • A ruiner, a robber, a pest, a summoner - with a crossbow.

And in order for the dinosaur to stop attacking the target, a special whistle is needed (description below).


Health: 400-500
Damage: 17-21
Biome: Rivers and coasts.
Ability: high speed swimming.


Health: 400-500
Damage: 17-21
Biome: Taiga and coasts.
Ability: A feature of carnivorous dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Health: 700-800
Damage: 23-30
Biome: Hills.
Ability: A feature of carnivorous dinosaurs.


Health: 500-600
Damage: 15-34
Biome: Plains and savannas.
Ability: A feature of carnivorous dinosaurs.


Health: 100-200
Damage: 15-20
Biome: Hills and savannas.
Ability: flying.


Health: 500-700
Damage: 15-34
Biome: Taiga and savanna.
Ability: Destroys ores (gold, iron, coal, lapis lazuli, redstone).


Health: 300-400
Damage: 15-16
Biome: Taiga and savanna.
Ability: (wild only), powerful running attack.


Health: 200-300
Damage: Does not attack
Biome: Taiga and savanna.
Ability: Notifies with a roar when there is a predatory dinosaur nearby.


Health: 100-150
Damage: 15-16
Biome: swamp.
Ability: Ranged attack.


Health: 500-600
Damage: 18-23
Biome: plains, mountains, deserts, savannas.
Ability: A feature of carnivorous dinosaurs.


Health: 700-800
Damage: 23-30
Biome: swamp, taiga.
Ability: A feature of carnivorous dinosaurs.


Health: 400-500
Damage: 23-37
Biome: plains and savannas.
Ability: No.


Health: 20-50
Damage: Does not attack
Biome: warm and coastal.
Tamed by sweet berries.


Health: 700-800
Damage: 18-21-50
Biome: Snowy.
Ability: Powerful tusk attack.
Tamed by wheat.


Health: 400-500
Damage: 18-21
Biome: Snowy.
Tamed by food for omnivores.


Health: 300-400
Damage: 12-19
Biome: Snowy.
Ability: fast running.
Tamed predator food.


Health: 100-200
Damage: 12-15
Biome: Snowy.
Tamed herbivore food.

Woolly rhinoceros

Health: 500-600
Damage: 20-25
Biome: Snowy.
Tamed herbivore food.

Kitchen table

Kitchen boiler

Taming Dinosaurs

Food for taming dinosaurs is made on a special kitchen table (picture above). Then you need to put it in the kitchen boiler.
Food Crafting Recipe for Taming Herbivorous Dinosaurs:

It is being crafted on the kitchen table.

Food Crafting Recipe for Taming Carnivorous Dinosaurs:

It is being crafted on the kitchen table.

Food Crafting Recipe for Taming Aquatic Dinosaurs:

It is being crafted on the kitchen table.

Food Crafting Recipe for Taming flying Dinosaurs:

It is being crafted on the kitchen table.

Food Crafting Recipe for Taming Omnivorous Dinosaurs:

It is being crafted on the kitchen table.

To breed dinosaurs and get a dinosaur egg, you need to find 2 identical dinosaur species, tame them and feed them an apple:

Carnivorous dinosaurs are bred with raw dinosaur meat:

Aquatic dinosaurs are bred by a clown fish.


From dinosaurs can fall: raw meat, skin, dinosaur bones. From mammalian dinosaurs falls: fur (used in the recipe for creating a saddle and in the recipe for creating large fur), large fur (used in the recipe for crafting a saddle), dinosaur bone (used to create tools), dinosaur tooth (used to create tools).

Raw meat and skin can be cooked in an oven over a fire:

Saddle Crafting Recipes:

To start, make a large skin (use 9 dinosaur skins):

Then this leather will be needed for crafting various saddles.

Saddle for sauropods (four-legged dinosaurs):

Saddle for predatory dinosaurs (Rex, Cryolophosaurus, carnotaurus, allosaurus, dilophosaurus, gigantorapto):

Saddle for aquatic carnivores (Ichthyovenator, spinosaurus):

Saddle for carnivorous pachyderms (ankylosaurus, sinoceratops, stegosaurus):

Saddle for flying dinosaurs:

For dinosaurs that walk on both 2 and 4 legs (parasaurolophus):

Special whistle

  • Parasaurolof
  • Ankylosaurus.

It is made in a Stonecutter:

Wooden Whistle:

A wooden whistle will help you order your dinosaur to follow you or go somewhere. Also, a wooden whistle will calm the dinosaurs after setting a goal (we recommend creating a fence so that your dinosaurs don't escape).

Bamboo Whistle:

Bamboo whistle is useful if you want to attack an entity, your dinosaur will help you with this. Bamboo whistle allows you to bring the dinosaur into an aggressive and passive state.

Armor Crafting Table:

Dinosaur Armor:

It is being crafted on the armor crafting table.




Boots are made like ordinary boots, only from dinosaur skin.

Camouflage armor

Dinosaurs won't see you if you wear this armor! Crafting on the armor crafting table!

Helmet (1 leather helmet, 3 oak leaves):

Chestplate (1 leather chestplate, 4 oak leaves):

Leggings (1 leather leggings, 6 oak leaves):

Boots (1 leather boots, 4 oak leaves):

Last update: v2.9.2 (May 21, 2021)
What's new?
  • Fixed camouflage armor;
  • Fixed predator skills;
  • Fixed the Dilophasaur's melee and ranged attack;
  • Raptors and velociraptors no longer lay Cryolophosaur eggs;
  • Saber-Toothed Tiger, Woolly Rhinoceros and Megatherium appear in their respective biomes (Snowy and Taiga).;
  • Fixing giant Items;
  • Dinosaurs are now losing a lot of skin;
  • Added roar animation for Velociraptor;
  • Added walking animation for Woolly Rhinoceros;
  • The possibility of using training whistles for all dinosaurs;
  • Diplodocus no longer lays Apatosaurus eggs;
  • Added the ability to use a whip for a Woolly Rhinoceros;
  • Dilophosaurus is now attacking;
  • Parasaurolof Textures;
  • Fixed the size of Megalozero;
  • Now little dinosaurs drop objects too;
  • Carnivorous dinosaurs now attack more targets;
  • Added 5 new dinosaurs;
  • A new model for dinosaur armor;
  • With dinosaurs, you can now gain experience;
  • New Pteranodon Flight System;
  • 2 new trees (+ their saplings, boards and logs);
  • A new medicine that restores 50 units of health to dinosaurs and players;
  • 3 new types of food.

Supported versions
Animals / Mobs / Dragons
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    18:01 25 Nov 23
    Почему я не могу поставить кухонный стол и котёл? Версия 20.32
  2. Аватарка гостя
    Ноу нейм
    12:28 16 Sep 23
    А как приручать хищников? Рекс, спино раптор и тд.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Тоже ноу нейм
      16:17 16 Dec 23
      Кормить детëнышей едой для хищников (carnivore)
  3. Аватарка гостя
    7:35 29 Apr 22
    Ваш сайт очини класный спасибо большое вам!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
  4. Аватарка гостя
    16:37 10 Mar 22
    Лонгисквама красивая) а её можно приручить?
  5. Аватарка гостя
    9:42 14 Dec 21
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:16 27 Dec 21
      А как вообще этот мод скачать
  6. Аватарка гостя
    11:09 11 Dec 21
    Добавьте пж гиганотозавра пж кст мод топ
  7. Аватарка гостя
    22:17 13 Nov 21
    А чем выращивать динозавра ?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      15:55 6 Mar 22
      Всех нужно выращивать по своему: травоядных яблоком, хищников мясом динозавра, всеядных всем чем захочешь. Не благодарите
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Varya YouTube
    20:42 7 Oct 21
    Мод просто супер молодцы разработчики пожалуйста добавьте ещё мозозавра,аланку,новый цвет тиранозавра,инкубатор,и клетку, и скилет всех видов динозавров из этого мода пожалуйста разработчики ????????????
  9. Аватарка гостя
    Лариса Воробьева
    13:16 3 Sep 21
    Подскажите пожалуйста что делать если динозавры не спавнятся автомотически? Версия 1.17 Скачала и карту и всё остальное
    1. Аватарка гостя
      19:33 29 Oct 21
      Токо 1.16+ то есть все версии 1.16 и всё 1.17 не подходит
  10. Аватарка гостя
    21:47 1 Sep 21
    Мод просто топ но как приручить динозавров???
    Я подлетаю по ближе занимаюсь ничего скажите как это работает?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:32 19 Nov 21
      Таже проблема
      1. Аватарка гостя
        15:49 17 Dec 21
        Вы должны их в маскировочной броне скрестить, когда яйцо выпадет ударьте его и соберите, потом растите его. Ждать надо долго, также надо ждать чтоб вырос
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