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Mod: Prehistoric Rift

Mod: Prehistoric Rift
16:52, 19 May 2021 17 268
With mod Prehistoric Rift for Minecraft PE, a real prehistoric rift will occur in the game world and ancient great creatures — dinosaurs will appear in the world, in addition, new food and items that allow you to control and use various abilities of dinosaurs!

In editing the world, enable experimental features.


The mod adds various foods that are necessary for the domestication and breeding of dinosaurs. Different types of food act on different creatures, so try to study for yourself and look at the results.

Berry treats.

Mod: Prehistoric Rift

Herbal treats.

Leafy treats.

Treats with roots.

Meat treats (any meat except chicken is suitable).

Fish treat (you can use cod).

The following items are used to use various tamed dinosaur skills!

Command staff.

Use the command staff while riding a tamed dinosaur to activate your pet's various skills.

For example, he will start moving faster and destroying blocks in front of him!

Harvest staff.

This item allows the dinosaur you saddled to collect automatically dropped items. Different creatures can collect different items with different efficiency. Some creatures can even extract resources from certain blocks!

Command Console.

This item allows you to use aggregates that are attached to the saddle of the creature you are riding, if any.


Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex lives on plains and in mountains. Usually, he's neutral, but from time to time, he attacks anything he thinks is food. To tame it, you need to kill a wild tyrannosaurus to get a chance to get an egg. Be careful, as they can use their powerful roar to throw you back if you try to attack them!
  • Health: 80.
  • Taming level: 3.
  • Drop: A tyrannosaurus egg.
  • Tamed thanks to: flesh treats.


Stegosaurs can be found in lowland biomes and they live in groups. Don't attack him because he can kill most mobs in one hit.
  • Health: 50.
  • Level of domestication: 1.
  • Drop: A stegosaurus egg.
  • It is tamed thanks to berry treats, herbal treats and treats with roots.


Dodo birds are similar to chickens, but they do not drop eggs. You can breed them with berry treats.
  • Health: 3.
  • Level of domestication: untamed.
  • Drop: raw dodo meat.

Prepare dodo meat to completely satisfy your hunger!


Triceratops is a friendlier version of stegosaurus. Do not annoy them, because they are quite fast and will not treat you friendly in case of an attack.
  • Health: 40.
  • Level of domestication: 1.
  • It is tamed with: berry treats, herbal treats and treats with roots.
  • Drop: Triceratops egg.

After taming, triceratops becomes faster and can destroy blocks like wood, as well as attack mobs. You can also use a harvest staff to let them harvest foliage, saplings, and wood.


Utahraptors can be found either in packs on the hunt, or hiding in the woods. As soon as the pack notices the target, there is a chance that one of the pack members will give speed and strength to his packmates. However, you can tame them by sneaking up on them with a flesh treat in your hand.
  • Health: 15.
  • Taming level: 2.
  • Tamed thanks to: flesh treats.
  • Drop: Triceratops egg.

After taming, you will be able to ride a utahraptor that can jump higher than a horse, as well as attack other mobs.


Apatosaurs can be found in lowland biomes in small flocks. Currently, they are among the strongest herbivores in mod, as they can simply trample small mobs and can destroy blocks weaker than stone by passing through them.


Dimetrodon is a neutral carnivorous dinosaur that lives in swamps and deserts. Dimetrodon is distinguished by a large sail on his back, which gives him different abilities depending on the biome in which he is located.

In hot biomes (deserts, barren lands, Nether), he switches to cold mode, which allows him to turn any liquid he touches into solid!

In cold biomes, he goes into heat mode, which makes him immune to fire and he can set fire to anything that attacks!

After it leaves the biome, it will stay in temperature for about 90 seconds before returning to normal.

The domestication of Dimetrodon is similar to Utaraptor.

You can manually change the temperature mode of a tamed dimetrodon using stimulants.

The flame stimulator allows it to stay in flame mode for 8 minutes. You can create with the help of fire powder, cooked exotic meat (from most mobs in this add-on), truffle (you can collect parasaurs from grass) and a bowl.

The freeze stimulator allows him to stay in freezing mode for 8 minutes. The same recipe as the flame stimulator, but with a snowball instead of fire powder.


Dinosaur eggs can be obtained by breeding or killing level 3 creatures. You can pick them up by sneaking up and right-clicking (press and hold for mobile).

In order for a dinosaur to hatch from an egg, it is necessary to have the right temperature:
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex - heat.
  • Stegosaurus - heat.
  • Dodo - neutral, warm.
  • Triceratops - heat.
  • Utahraptor - cold.
  • Apatosaurus - heat.
  • Parasaurolof - neutral, cold.
  • Dimetrodon is neutral.

Warm biomes include desert, barren lands and Nether. Cold biomes include everything where there is snow (except hills), places where it rains or there is water. Neutral areas include everything else.

Hatching a dinosaur from an egg may take a few minutes, but if you want to speed up the process, then use Dimetrodon!

If the dimetrodon is kept at the preferred temperature for the egg, its hatching time will be halved!


After taming the apatosaurus, you need to put a special saddle (apatosaurus platform) in his inventory, which allows you to control dinosaurs and shoot guns.

Put the Apatosaurus Platform in the special inventory slot of the tamed Apatosaurus.

Now he will have guns!

You can use the Command Console to fire the cannons on his back for even more destruction!

Levels of domestication

All creatures in this mod are divided into levels depending on how they are tamed and how strong they are.
  • Indomitable
    • It's too stupid and dangerous to tame.
    • Includes dodo.
  • First level
    • Such creatures accept any food offered to them, both cubs and adults accept it.
    • Includes triceratops, stegosaurs, and parasaurolophs.
  • Second level
    • Cubs can be tamed instantly, adults need to be fed at regular intervals until they are fully tamed.
    • Includes dimetrodon and utahraptor.
  • Third level
    • Both cubs and adults found in the wild cannot be tamed.
    • You can kill adult individuals to get an egg for further cultivation and taming of the dinosaur.
    • Includes Apatosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.

If you want to control a tamed dinosaur, then you will need to put the saddle in a special slot.

You can accelerate the growth of a baby dinosaur by feeding wheat.


Are you bored with farming and don't want to do everything with your hands? With this mod and thanks to dinosaurs, you can speed up and simplify this process!

You will need a harvesting staff to harvest on a dinosaur, and different dinosaurs harvest with different efficiency.

Stegosaurus can harvest the following resources with very high efficiency:
  • Wheat.
  • Carrot.
  • Potatoes.
  • Beets.
  • Sweet berries.
  • Grass Fiber (made of grass).
  • Dyes (from flowers).

Triceratops can harvest the following resources with very high efficiency:
  • Apples.
  • Foliage.
  • Seedlings.
  • Cocoa beans.
  • Straw (Thatch), from the corresponding logs/stems.
  • Nether Wart.
  • The blocks of the outgrowth of the Nether.
  • Blocks of distorted growth.
  • Crimson and Warped fungi.

  • Collects the following resources with high efficiency:
    • Wheat.
    • Carrot.
    • Potatoes.
    • Beets.
    • Sweet berries.
    • Flowers.
  • Can collect grass from blocks:
    • Gold nuggets.
    • Iron nuggets.
    • Truffles.

Last update: v0.5.5 (May 19, 2021)
What's new?
  • Fixed bugs.

Last version: v0.5.1
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod Prehistoric Rift v0.5.5 (.mcaddon)
[2.68 Mb] downloads: 2004

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    Майнкрафтер Марк
    20:13 25 Aug 21
    Логика:для ускорения роста Ти Рекса надо кормить пшеницой
    А где парузауролоф???
  2. Аватарка гостя
    9:33 20 May 21
    Мне мод не понравился!Я хотел Ютку приручить делаю значит в верстаке специальную жрачку а она не крафтиться!Лучше бы снюсами питались(((((
  3. Аватарка гостя
    13:00 31 Mar 21
    В описании из ютераптора выпадает яйцо трицератопса. Это нормально или я чего-то не понимаю?,_,
    1. Аватарка гостя
      9:43 20 May 21
  4. Аватарка гостя
    Ammong user
    16:59 24 Dec 20
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Ammong user
    16:58 24 Dec 20
    Ну..,мне понравилос оооооооочен круто всйо токи жал мало дино и иконки еды
  6. Аватарка гостя
    11:03 23 Dec 20
    Непрорисовуються иконки мяса и еды для приручения что делать?
  7. Аватарка гостя
    9:33 22 Dec 20
    Очень крутооо толька жаль что так мало динозавров все равно класно
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