Mod: RPGcraft

15:26, 7 Dec 2015 32 399
The RPGcraft mod for Minecraft PE adds three classes of heroes to the game that you can use. Each class has its own abilities. At the moment there is a knight, ninja and mage class.
This is the first version of the mod, so there may be various bugs. All bugs will be fixed in the next versions.
Let's take a closer look at all the classes.
Let's start with the knight. The knight has the ability in a powerful attack, and he also has a very strong defense, but the movement speed is very low.
To get a knight class, you need to enter the command /knight into the chat, but you must have an empty slot in the hotbar!
If you attack a certain victim, it will receive huge damage and there will be a small explosion, but you will not receive damage.
Ninja has a high movement speed, and also when you attack someone, you will move quickly and kill the victim.
To select a ninja class, you need to enter the /ninja command into the chat. The ninja has a real katana, with which he can quickly kill his victim. In addition, this class has a high movement speed and a high attack speed.
Mage is the last class currently in this mod. Has a large amount of health, as well as night vision. If you turn on the 3rd person mode, you will see the magician's wings sticking out of the player's back.

The magician has a magic stick with which you can tap anywhere and there will be a mini explosion.

Use the commands that are written above to become a knight, ninja or magician. There are a lot of bugs in addon, so you may not succeed right away.
Installing the RPGcraft mod:
This is the first version of the mod, so there may be various bugs. All bugs will be fixed in the next versions.
Let's take a closer look at all the classes.
Let's start with the knight. The knight has the ability in a powerful attack, and he also has a very strong defense, but the movement speed is very low.
To get a knight class, you need to enter the command /knight into the chat, but you must have an empty slot in the hotbar!
If you attack a certain victim, it will receive huge damage and there will be a small explosion, but you will not receive damage.
Ninja has a high movement speed, and also when you attack someone, you will move quickly and kill the victim.
To select a ninja class, you need to enter the /ninja command into the chat. The ninja has a real katana, with which he can quickly kill his victim. In addition, this class has a high movement speed and a high attack speed.
Mage is the last class currently in this mod. Has a large amount of health, as well as night vision. If you turn on the 3rd person mode, you will see the magician's wings sticking out of the player's back.

The magician has a magic stick with which you can tap anywhere and there will be a mini explosion.

- /knight — sets you a knight class.
- /mage — sets you the mage class.
- /ninja — sets you a ninja class.
- /help and /help2 — help
Use the commands that are written above to become a knight, ninja or magician. There are a lot of bugs in addon, so you may not succeed right away.
Installing the RPGcraft mod:
- Download the archive with the mod from the link below
- Unpack the archive, preferably in a separate folder
- Move the Sounds RPGCraft folder to /games/com.mojang/
- Set texture rpg-craft-texturepack
- Restart BlockLauncher and install the script rpgcraft...js
- Done!
Last version: 2.0
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod RPGcraft v1.0 (.zip)
[460.94 Kb] downloads: 7498
Supported versions
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