18:47, 22 May 2024 15 987
The Minecraft Beta and Preview has been released. The new version means the next major update is coming soon and the developers continue to make changes and bug fixes. Details below and on the developers' website.
- Added a swim tip for touch devices.
How to move is now taught to players on touch devices with the D-pad control scheme.
- The Mace's Smash Attack no longer knocks back Mobs that have been tamed by the Player wielding the Mace.
- Witches now always drop 4-8 Redstone Dust on death.
- The Wind Charge Projectile can now be summoned via the /summon command.
- Removed an extra "the" in Realms section of Minecraft Encyclopedia.
- Trial Chambers now generate far less frequently in the Deep Dark biome.
- Loot ejected from Vaults in Trial Chambers are now dependent on level, position and player seed.
- Fixed some Trial Spawner texture inconsistencies.
- Music will no longer be stopped by the '/stopsound' command.
- Slabs and Stairs should no longer randomly start placing on the bottom when continuously building.
- Fixed a bug that caused the environment within a chunk to noticeably change when thousands of blocks away from spawn.
- Particles generated when breaking Leaves will now match the color of the destroyed leaves.
- Locator Maps will now only render head and head attachments.
- The sound emitted when a player walks on a Heavy Core Block is now controlled by the appropriate slider in the audio preferences.
- Breeze Rods now render correctly in third-person view.
- The Mace no longer breaks Cobwebs and Bamboo as fast as Swords and other sharp items.
- The Fishing Rod hook no longer sticks to actors that have the Projectile Reflection component.
- Attacking an entity with a Mace enchanted with the Wind Burst enchantment no longer negates fall damage.
- Fixed a number of bugs related to downloading content getting stuck, including errors related to: "Downloads all stuck at 0%" and broken content updates.
- The Bogged's underwater melee attack no longer applies a Slowness effect to the victim.
- Parrot now correctly imitates the Bogged when nearby.
- All items on the Realms purchase screens are now focusable and can be navigated through using a gamepad input.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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