
19:42, 11 Mar 2025 840
A beta version of Minecraft has been released for Android and other Bedrock platforms! A new useful feature has been added—the Locator Bar with colored indicators pointing to other players! Changes have been made to improve parity with Java Edition, and various bugs have been fixed.
Locator Bar
The Locator Bar is a new UI element on the Player HUD that displays the direction of other Players in the World.
- When the Locator Bar Experiment is enabled and multiple players are in a world:
- The Locator Bar appears on-screen for each player.
- It replaces the Experience Bar, but the Player Level number remains visible above it.
- The Locator Bar displays colored indicators when the camera is facing within 120 degrees towards another player.
- If another player is 30 degrees above or below the screen viewport, an up or down arrow is displayed.
- Crouching hides a player, preventing their indicator from appearing on the Locator Bar of others.
- Players in Spectator Mode are not visible on the Locator Bar.
- Wearing a Mob Head or Carved Pumpkin in the head slot hides the player from the Locator Bar.
- Using a Potion of Invisibility also hides the player from the Locator Bar.
Known Issues:
- If the Simulation Distance is set to greater than 4 chunks then the Locator Bar may not show players in between 4 chunks and the Simulation Distance.
- Recommended testing it with a Simulation Distance of 4 chunks.
- Add magic crit particles for enchanted weapons, to better match the Java edition.
- Cut Sandstone Slabs can now be crafted in the Stonecutter using Cut Sandstone.
- Cut Red Sandstone Slabs can now be crafted in the Stonecutter using Cut Red Sandstone.
- Totem of Undying now gives the same 45 second regeneration as Java.
- Shears now consume durability when used on Beehives and Bee Nests with full Honey level.
- The maximum amount of Raw Rabbits dropped from Rabbits is now increased by 1 for each level of Looting.
- Iron Axe with Efficiency I now always generates in a Chest inside Woodland Mansion's tree-chopping room.
- Parrots can now imitate Phantoms, Zoglins, Guardians, Ravagers, Pillagers, and Blazes.
- Mangrove Roots can now be used as fuel in Furnaces.
- Wither Skeletons and Zombified Piglins can now walk in lava.
- Touch Controls: Updated icons for Dismount and Jump buttons (when mounted) to be clearer and consistent between the touch control schemes.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur when certain foliage textures fail to load.
- Sapling "age_bit" no longer regresses after an unsuccessful growth attempt, preventing nearby Observers from activating incorrectly.
- Players will no longer pass through Blocks placed around x or z coordinates that are a power of 2.
- Fixed a bug where most usable items could not be used while targeting a Mob Spawner.
- Fixed an issue where adding items to a slot in a Chest while it is being updated by a Hopper might remove the items.
- Fixed a bug where named Slimes and Magma Cubes lose their names when splitting.
- Creakings no longer despawn on world reload.
- Fixed an issue where all sound in Windows stops working after 40-41% loading.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused an error when creating a Realm on an empty slot.
- Fixed a bug that could prevent Minecraft from loading the main menu, after cancelling a server transfer request from another server.
- Potion of Slowness IV (standard, splash, lingering) is no longer separated from other slowness potions in Creative Menu
- Suspending/minimizing the game with Screen Animations disabled no longer resets the world seed in the Create New World screen.
- Touch Controls: Spectators can now also customize controls.
- Added modal to handle Not Enough Disc Space error in Edit World screen, Resource Packs tab.
- Fixed "Download all missing packs" button not working under specific conditions.
- Fixed a bug where the bed screen would display the wrong message when sleeping during a thunderstorm.
- Stopped main menu background rotation when entering new player flow.
- Stopped main menu background rotation and logo text movement when the "screen animations" option is disabled.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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