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21:21, 11 Feb 2025 50 247

The full version of Minecraft has been released. Added new pigs, all the leaves blocks received particles, and the vegetation in the biomes became even more. More details below and on the developers' website.


  • Pig variants:
    • Added two new Pig variants - Warm Pig and Cold Pig!
    • These have their own own unique texture and geometry, but not a separate spawn egg
  • All Leaves blocks now emit falling leaf particles.
  • Lodestone changes:
    • Lodestone is now crafted from 1 Iron Ingot surrounded by 8 Chiseled Stone Blocks
    • The crafting recipe unlocks when the player obtains an Iron Ingot or a Lodestone.
    • Lodestones can now be found as loot at Ruined Portals in the Overworld or Nether.

Experimental changes in Minecraft

Overworld vegetation

The vegetation of many Overworld biomes has been updated to more closely match Java Edition and align with the intended look and feel of Minecraft.

  • Overworld (applies to all biomes):
    • Pumpkins now generate in larger patches.
    • Dandelions are now alternated with Poppies when generating in flower patches.
    • Sugar Canes no longer generate through other blocks.
  • Plains:
    • Short Grass now generates more frequently and in larger amounts.
    • Tall Grass now generates less frequently but in larger patches.
    • Flower patches now contain mixed flowers, are larger and generate more frequently.
  • Sunflower Plains:
    • Sunflowers now generate in more cohesive patches.
  • Mushroom Fields:
    • Mushrooms now generate in larger patches.
  • Savanna:
    • Short Grass now generates more frequently and in larger amounts.
    • Tall Grass now generates less frequently but in larger patches.
  • Flower Forest:
    • Trees are now denser.
    • Flowers now generate in more cohesive patches.
  • Taiga:
    • Small Ferns now generate more frequently.
    • Large Ferns now generate less frequently.
    • Sweet Berry Bushes now generate in larger patches.
  • Old Growth Spruce Taiga:
    • Mushrooms now generate in larger and more cohesive patches.
    • Ferns now generate more frequently.
    • Sweet Berry Bushes patches now generate.
  • Old Growth Pine Taiga:
    • Mushrooms now generate in larger and more cohesive patches.
    • Ferns now generate more frequently.
    • Sweet Berry Bushes patches now generate.
  • Jungle:
    • Trees are now denser.
    • Big Jungle Trees now generate more frequently.
    • Jungle Bushes are now larger.
    • Melon patches now generate more frequently.
  • Bamboo Jungle:
    • Bamboo now generates in larger and denser patches.
    • The width of Bamboo is now consistent across the entire plant.
    • Trees are now denser.
    • Big Jungle Trees now generate more frequently.
    • Jungle Bushes are now larger.
  • Sparse Jungle:
    • Bamboo no longer generates.
    • Ferns and Short Grass now generate more frequently.
    • Jungle Bushes are now larger.
    • Melon patches now generate more frequently.
  • Meadow:
    • Short Grass now generates more frequently.
    • Tall Grass now generates more frequently.
    • Flowers now generate in patches instead of being homogeneously spread across the biome.
  • Swamp:
    • Blue Orchids now generate more frequently and in larger patches.
    • Swamp Oaks now generate slightly more frequently.
    • Swamp Oaks no longer generate in direct contact with the ground.
    • Lily Pads now generate more frequently.
  • Mangrove Swamp:
    • Mangroves are now sparser
    • Mangroves now generate over water.
    • Lily Pads now generate more frequently.
  • Badlands:
    • Dead Bushes now generate more frequently.
  • Desert:
    • Dead Bushes now generate more frequently.
  • Oceans (except Frozen Ocean):
    • Kelp now generates more frequently and in denser patches.

More vegetation in Minecraft biomes

Pause feature

The pause functionality will only be available in Beta and Preview for the time being.

Pause feature in Minecraft


  • The Monster Hunter achievement can now be unlocked by destroying a Creaking Heart while it has a spawned Creaking.
  • Wheat color is now yellow on a Map instead of green.
  • Shears can now be used on Cave Vines, Kelp, Twisting Vines, and Weeping Vines to prevent further growth.
  • The Lily Pad Block's hitbox has been updated to be in parity with Java.
  • The Sugar Cane Block's hitbox has been updated to be in parity with Java.
  • Creepers  and TNT blocks no longer flash with a solid white color when exploding.
  • The Pale Oak Leaves no longer appear lighter than on Java.
  • Suspicious Stews crafted with Tulips now apply the Weakness Effect for 7 seconds when consumed.
  • Suspicious Stews with the Weakness Effect acquired from Shipwrecks and trading with Villagers now apply the Weakness Effect for 7 seconds when consumed.

  • Nether Brick Slab, Red Nether Brick Slab, Nether Brick Wall, Red Nether Brick Wall, Cracked Nether Bricks and Chiseled Nether Bricks now have the same sound as Nether Bricks.
  • Iron Bars, Iron Blocks, Iron Trapdoors, Iron Doors and Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates now make iron sounds when you mine, break, place and walk on them.
  • Added unique sound effects for Vines, Glow Berry Vines, Weeping Vines, and Twisting Vines.
  • Wood stripping now plays a wood stripping sound instead of a wood step sound.
  • Creating a Grass Path now makes a shovel flattening sound instead of a grass step sound.
  • Zombie Villagers can no longer randomly spawn from a Zombie Mob Spawner.
  • Baby Drowneds now move with the same speed as their Zombie and Zombie Villager counterparts.
  • Gold Swords dropped by Piglins and Zombified Piglins now have randomized durability.
  • Axes dropped by Piglin Brutes now have randomized durability.

Changes in Minecraft


All fixes from Beta and Preview versions have been merged with release.

Fixes in Minecraft

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    11:21 15 Feb 25
    Я хотел скачать APK но у меня Костя скачать через play market А у меня нету денег
  2. Аватарка гостя
    19:46 14 Feb 25
    Почему не устраивает файл для arm64-v8a ??? Разрабы чё с файлом???
  3. Аватарка гостя
    15:17 13 Feb 25
    Пишет что не удалось обработать покет, что делать?
  4. Аватарка гостя
    19:52 12 Feb 25
    пауза есть?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      22:12 12 Feb 25
      Да, есть, я проверил
  5. Аватарка гостя
    19:03 12 Feb 25
    Приложение не устанавливается. Перепробвал разные версии всё хорошо, а ета не хочет
  6. Аватарка гостя
    18:08 12 Feb 25
    Не устанавливается. Телефон POCO M3 с кастомной прошивкой GenesisOS 4.0 с Android 15. Пробовал ставить релизную 1.21.51 и всё работает, также работает последняя бетой Так что могу сказать что проблема именно в этой релизной версии
  7. Аватарка гостя
    17:21 12 Feb 25
    Все версии из этого сайта попробовал скачать 1.21.60 четно весь день потратил устройство Poco x3 pro Android 13 на MIUI 14 поддерживает arm64 такой проблемы некогда не было
  8. Аватарка гостя
    11:43 12 Feb 25
    Minecraft não está instalado
  9. Аватарка гостя
    7:34 12 Feb 25
    Приложение не установлено 😡🤡
    1. Аватарка Admin
      11:23 12 Feb 25
      Значит установлена другая версия, подпись которой конфликтует с устанавливаемым файлом
      1. Аватарка гостя
        11:33 12 Feb 25
        Даже когда удалил тоже пишет приложение не установлено
        1. Аватарка Admin
          11:59 12 Feb 25
          Какая версия Android или название устройства (включая модель)?
        2. Аватарка Admin
          12:14 12 Feb 25
          Если пытаетесь поставить версию для arm64, то процессор должен иметь такую архитектуру

          Процессоры с arm64 имеют обратную поддержку с arm7

          x86 - версия для архитектуру intel, рассчитана прежде всего для пк
          1. Аватарка гостя
            16:04 12 Feb 25
            У меня тоже не устанавливается. Android 15, процессор arm64
          2. Аватарка гостя
            11:11 13 Feb 25
            Здравствуйте, пытался установить эту версию, тоже пишет не установлено, а если быть точнее, под arm64-v8a, телефон POCO F5, система Hyperos 1 Android 14
            1. Аватарка гостя
              11:22 15 Feb 25
              Я конечно не админ но Я рекомендую какую-то другий телефон
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