
19:16, 17 Sep 2024 141 144
A new release version of Minecraft has been released. The update adds a new way to store and transfer resources — Bundles, makes changes to the rarity of items and blocks, and fixes various problems. Details are below and on the developers' website.
- Bundles are an experimental feature - to use them, you must turn on the Bundle experiment when creating a new world
- Please note: Bundles are still being polished in the Preview and Betas with bug fixes and tweaks, so you might spot some slight differences in this experimental version!.
- A Bundle is an item that can pack different items together into the same stack.
- A Bundle only fits one stack (usually 64 items) but it can be a mixture of many different item types.
- You can insert items into a Bundle directly in the inventory.
- Bundles have a tooltip that shows the items inside
- The tooltip fits 3 rows and can always show at least 8 item types.
- You can select any of the visible items to pull out of the Bundle
- Use the scroll wheel on mouse, the right stick on a game controller, or tap on a touch device.
- When selecting an item to remove, the Bundle icon shows that item poking out of the Bundle.
- When holding a Bundle in hand, you can empty it onto the ground
- In the latest Beta & Preview version, when a Bundle is used in the hotbar, one group of items is emptied at a time instead of everything being emptied at once.
- The Bundle is crafted with one String above one Leather.
- Bundle recipe is now unlocked by obtaining Leather or String.
- Known Issues:
- When moving items on touch devices, the wrong item icon may appear briefly.
- Bundles put in Decorated Pots, given to an Allay, or moved through Hoppers and Droppers may lose their contents.
- Various items and blocks have had their assigned rarities changed.
- Once these rarity changes come to Java Edition in a future snapshot, all item and block rarities will be in parity across both platforms.
- Rarity is a set of categories which determine the color used to display the name of an item or block.
- It has no gameplay impact, but is used to signal how difficult something is to obtain.
- By default, unless specified otherwise, all items and blocks have a rarity of Common which displays their name in the color white.
- Re-evaluated the rarity of all items and blocks in the game to more accurately reflect the current challenge of obtaining them, given the following guidelines:
- The chance of finding it in a loot table, including mob drops.
- The amount of travelling required to obtain it.
- The difficulty of any obstacle which must be overcome to obtain it.
- The possible amount of that item or block which exists in the world.
- Any item or block which can be crafted must inherit the highest rarity of its crafting ingredients.
- For example, a Mace has an Epic rarity because one of its ingredients (the Heavy Core) has an Epic rarity.
- Likewise, any crafted item which has only Common crafting ingredients must also be Common.
- The lists below detail the items and blocks which have changed to that rarity category.
- Parrot can now imitate Endermite.
- Parrots now imitate Drowned.
- Sculk charge particles now have sound.
- Wither Skeleton now has its own "step" sound.
- Added hotkeys to take screenshots in game on controller and keyboard.
- On mouse/keyboard: F2.
- On controller: LB+RB, L1+R1, L Button+R Button
Vanilla Parity
- Foxes now have 10 health.
- The name of the Stone Mason villager profession has been renamed to Mason to match Java Edition.
- Mooshrooms now spawn at light level 9 and above.
- The names of many items and blocks were brought to parity with Java Edition.
- The following blocks have been brought to parity with Java Edition for Redstone power:
- minecraft:mangrove_roots -> now powered.
- minecraft:beacon -> no longer powered.
- minecraft:tnt -> no longer powered.
- minecraft:sea_lantern -> no longer powered.
Fixes from Beta builds have been migrated.
Technical changes
Various changes have been made that will be useful to developers of maps and addons. We recommend that you go to the official list of changes to see the full list of changes.
«Download» implies the possibility of switching to Google Play or another service. You will need a purchased game license to install the update.
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