Map: Hide And Seek by Ignatius

20:25, 21 Jun 2024 (updated on: 20:26, 14 Oct 2024) 22 408
This map is a fun hide-and-seek mini-game where the hunter has to find all the victims in a certain time. If the hunter finds a victim, it becomes the hunter. The rules are simple and clear. Also on the map there is a store where you can buy accessories.
Author: Ignat
Last update: v3 (October 14, 2024).
What's new?
- New items:
- Radar - helps hunters point in the direction of the nearest prey.
- Invisibility - allows the victim to hide from the hunter.
- Speed - logically that allows you to run fast.
- The new “Mansion” map.
- Fixed bugs.
- Doors and trapdoors are returned to their original positions.
- New accessories.
- Added skins of victims and hunters.
- Added sounds.
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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