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Map: Oktyabrsk city

Map: Oktyabrsk city
Creator: melonVIP, JumpyScarab1354 & MrNixon778
11:37, 1 Mar 2023 (updated on: 17:25, 14 Oct 2024) 388 778

Oktyabrsk - A small Soviet town at the crossroads of time, what awaits you around the next corner - new supermarkets, old buildings or maybe a mysterious crime story? The city is divided into 4 distinct neighborhoods such as: Railroad, Central, Water Treatment and Oil Depot. Each of them has its own characteristic feature and its own peculiarities. Between the districts you can move both simply on the streets and by going down to the subway, which consists of 3 unique stations connected by tunnels. The city has stores, its own radio station, clothing store, furniture and many others. In Oktyabrsk everything is done for a cozy and measured life of citizens.

Update Trailer

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View of the town square

Railroad in Oktyabrsk

The city from a bird's eye view

The road and the lampposts

A street shop near the road

Subway station with driving directions

View of the city street

Last update: v1.5 (October 14, 2024)

What's new?

  • Pervomaisky district added:
    • The city government building is located in a new neighborhood. The court is also located in the same building.
    • New apartment buildings.
    • Two new metro stations: Pervomayskaya and Sportivnaya.
    • Prometheus stadium.
    • Library-reading Room Named After A. S. Pushkin.
    • Barbershop.
    • Pyaterochka shop.
    • Two new temples.
    • Sushi restaurant.
    • Building supply store.
    • Pet shop.
    • Café.
    • Tire service in garages.
  • The new, third bridge. It goes from Torgovaya Street in the “Neftebaza” district, and passes into Bolshevikov Avenue in the “Pervomaysky” district.
  • Kindergarten.
  • New private homes on Commercial Street.
  • The city embankment was expanded. The embankment park in front of Victory Park is remodeled.
  • There's a radio tower and new antennas on houses.
  • The bridge on Maksimova Street has been remodeled.
  • The public garden behind the first church in the “Central” neighborhood has been improved.
  • There are newsstands all over the city.
  • Now there are cars in the parking lots.
  • The hotel parking lot and interior has been improved. Also the hotel now has a functional elevator.
  • The number of lampposts has been reduced.
  • The fleet of police vehicles has expanded.
  • Minor tweaks in all neighborhoods.

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  1. Аватарка гостя
    8:13 27 Feb 25
    Почему я когда жму на Октябрьская а тот пишет что уровень сохранён в более новой версии игры
    1. Аватарка гостя
      наушник пикун
      11:58 3 Mar 25
      другую версию попробуй выше этой
  2. Аватарка гостя
    18:16 19 Feb 25
    Можно заменить таблички с надписью улицы и номером дома на искаженные, а надписи сделать светящимися белыми. Это больше войдёт в стиль советской эпохи
  3. Аватарка гостя
    Рандомный чел
    9:58 13 Feb 25
    В шкафу в центре "Радуга" вы зачем написали что у метра из тачек половой орган 2 метра?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      9:58 16 Feb 25
  4. Аватарка гостя
    9:56 12 Feb 25
    Карта офигенная, мне понравилась всё круто, на версии 1.21.50 работает!
  5. Аватарка гостя
    20:29 5 Feb 25
    почему при скачивании ZIP файла у меня в майне на пк выдаёт ошибку за
    1. Аватарка Admin
      11:24 12 Feb 25
      Что конкретно пишет?
  6. Аватарка гостя
    15:10 3 Feb 25
    Здравствуйте, не знаете карта на 1.17.41 пойдёт? Скажите пожалуйста
    1. Аватарка гостя
      19:11 4 Feb 25
      Нет если не ошибаюсь
    2. Аватарка гостя
      9:57 12 Feb 25
      Нет не подойдёт
  7. Аватарка гостя
    19:42 29 Jan 25
    Кто нибудь из вас обратил внимание что новая станция "Спортивная" в большинстве своём скопирована с Петербуржский Спортивной?
  8. Аватарка гостя
    20:05 8 Jan 25
    Ой бету
  9. Аватарка гостя
    20:04 8 Jan 25
    Можно скачать на лету
    1. Аватарка гостя
      20:06 8 Jan 25
      На бету
  10. Аватарка гостя
    8:05 6 Jan 25
    На какой версии будет работать на Андроиде?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:13 8 Jan 25
      На 1.21 ; написано же
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