Texture: Insanity – PvP

02:10, 21 Dec 2020 62 141
The texture pack Insanity – PvP is perfect for PvP battles in Minecraft, because thanks to it, the game will have shorter swords, night vision will appear, fog, clear water, smoother stones, new textures will be removed armor and bow indicator.

Installing Insanity – PvP pack textures (.mcpack)
- Download the .mcpack texture file from the link below.
- Run the downloaded file and the game will install the set itself.
- Go to the game settings and open the "Global Resources" tab.
- Find the texture pack and activate it.
- Have a nice game!
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download texture pack Insanity – PvP (.mcpack)
[125.76 Kb] downloads: 13014
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