Minecraft Release 1.7.0 - what's new?

22:37, 17 Oct 2018 25 083
A new "small" update Minecraft PE brings several new features and many bug fixes to the game!
New features:
Bug fixes:
You can download the new version on the [DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT 1.7.0].
New features:
- Added basic Scoreboard functionality.
- Now you can eat food in creative mode and in peaceful mode.
- Player mentions in the chat are now highlighted in yellow.
- Typing '@' now displays a list of player nicknames for autofill.
- The functionality of command blocks can now be disabled with the command '/gamerule commandblocksenabled'.
- The game store has been improved.
- Now you can share links to products from the game store.
- Improved search and filter results in the store.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed more than 20 crashes that occurred during the game.
- Fixed a crash when a Trident with a Thunderer charm flew out of the distributor from a player or mobs.
- Fixed missing parts of mobs on some Android devices.
- A tamed animal, if after updating the game it "forgot" its owner, then now it will sit and wait for the player who will make the interaction.
- Fixed missing particles in the Trident with the Tyagun Charm.
- Ladders will no longer appear in the air in villages.
- Renamed mob creation eggs now rename the mobs themselves.
- Drowned people will no longer switch to swimming animation when riding a boat.
- Fixed a crash when a resident tried to open/close the door, but it was broken.
- Fixed more than 50 other bugs.
You can download the new version on the [DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT 1.7.0].