ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Undeadcraft

Mod: Undeadcraft

Mod: Undeadcraft
04:54, 2 Nov 2021 73 276
Don't you think zombies are too stupid and easy to defeat? What happens if they become a little or very smart? Mod Undeadcraft was just created to find out! Now zombies and scum in the game will gain intelligence and will be able to do various actions, complicating the survival of the player. In addition, their models and animations have been improved.

In editing the world, enable the experimental features for the correct functioning of the add-on.

Activating new zombies

Improved animations

First, zombie models and animations have been updated. Animations such as walking, running, attacking have been updated, as well as zombies can now blink, move their heads and have a unique death animation.

Improved zombie view

Teleporting zombie

This zombie uses the Ender Pearl to teleport to its target. At the same time, the Ender Pearl also deals damage to these zombies, like normal players, when used.

Zombie with End pearl

Zombies with potions

This zombie uses various potions during the fight. For example, he can heal himself or become invisible.

Zombie with potion in hand drinking

Zombie miner

An intelligent kind of zombie that can extract various resources depending on the tool that is in his hand. Zombie miner can smash rocks, wood, dirt and many other blocks.

He can also ride animals and use a trident during combat.

Zombie builder

Uses dirt to build a tower to get to his goal.

Zombie builder in Minecraft

Fast zombie

Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary zombie, but it has strong legs that allow it to move quickly. If he is far from the target, he will jump to it, throwing it into the air.

Fast zombie in Minecraft

Other changes
  • All zombies and scum can see the player through the blocks.
  • An ordinary zombie can turn into Garbage if he spends enough time under the Sun.
  • Zombie and garbage IDs have been replaced with udc:zombie

Supported versions
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    фанат пони
    16:20 5 Nov 21
    внимание внимание компот Тимоха именно не Рома а Тимоха украл интро у мармока прекинте
  2. Аватарка гостя
    12:58 2 Nov 21
    Мод очен класныйс анимациями сделайте пожалкйста такойже мод но на скелетов.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      16:15 30 Mar 22
      Для начала научись правильно писать.
      1. Аватарка гостя
        19:26 2 Apr 22
        Вот вот
  3. Аватарка гостя
    10:16 2 Nov 21
    Мод обещает быть интересным
  4. Аватарка гостя
    где утопленник житель зомби и свинозомби
    5:53 2 Nov 21
    добавьте ещё зомби жителя утопленника и свинозомби а то тут только обычный зомби и отброс
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