ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: SCP Foundation

Mod: SCP Foundation

Mod: SCP Foundation
17:27, 31 Aug 2021 352 082

The Foundation SCP is a fictional organization and stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect" and is "engaged" in the study of various anomalous objects and phenomena.

Mod SCP Foundation adds a huge number of new creatures to Minecraft Bedrock, while each of them has its own unique behavior and animations!

HID Turret

A turret that automatically shoots all monsters and SCP 049 if they happen to be nearby. If the player hits the turret, it will shoot back at him.

Mod: SCP Foundation


It is a friendly mob and jumps near the player, giving him the effects of resistance and saturation.

Emits cute sounds near the player and has 20 health.

Monster SCP-999


A swamp woman, which can be found in the corresponding biome. Has 150 health, 7 damage.

A warning sound may turn on, after which the swamp woman will jump on her victim and eat her!

Nine Tailed Fox

D-class and Chaos Insurgency are attacking.

Mole Rat

Kill D-Class, D-Class, chaos rebels to protect a female researcher, a scientist can switch to melee if nearby, and switch to Ranged if far away, they will warn the same types to come and help them


D-class, scientist, female researcher: run away from anyone who wants to hurt them.

Guards (Guard)

They help players and people.

Chaos Insurgency

Scientists, female researchers are being attacked.


Attacks and eats all animals, as well as humanoid creatures, including players. This monster is able to imitate the sounds of any mobs and will make very loud noises when taking damage.

Has 150 health, 20 damage and appears in the world randomly.


Attacks all creatures, including their own kind. Has infinite health and kills instantly.


Attack her to get a pizza that can be used to restore hunger. It is impossible to destroy the box in this case, only with the command '/kill @e[type=entity:scp458]'.


A chicken man who attacks players and knows how to run fast!

  • Health: 10
  • Damage: 3, can cause poisoning effect
  • Ability: Infinite rebirth. After death, it turns into an egg and after 200 seconds it will return as a child version
  • Children's versions and adults are able to lay eggs
  • Can reproduce


  • Health: 30
  • Emits a creepy sound when the player is standing next to the door, the player will die if he opens the door
  • Invisible when they are not near the door
  • Note: at the moment, this creature only works on doors from this add-on (information about them below)


A plague doctor infecting the inhabitants and turning them into zombie inhabitants. It also attacks players, but it can be given a red tulip and then this creature will become obedient for 30 seconds.


The skeleton of a deceased dinosaur that is able to move and attack its victims!

  • Health: 250
  • Damage: 7
  • Ability: Kills players, humans and pigs
  • Can reproduce naturally

During inactivity, it switches to sleep mode.


A teddy bear that goes into an active state if there is a player next to it. In this state, the bear will treat the player and give him an apple.


A pill that heals the player. You can get it with the command '/give @s scp:scp500'.


A green-skinned hannibal who attacks players and humans. Has 2000 health points and 20 damage!


It is a box that opens when the player hits it. Paper dragons will fly out of the open box within 60 seconds!


The potty monster. If you hit him, SCP-019-2 will start crawling out of him!

SCP-019-2 looks like an infant, but it is very dangerous and moves quickly.


This creature does not know how to move, but it is able to impose a blinding effect on the player and thus it will be easier for him to attack.

Use a diamond pickaxe (PCM or long tap) to remove this creature.


Attacks and kills anyone who looks at his face!

  • Health: a lot!
  • Damage: 10000
  • Ability: run very fast and will break every block when the evil other wise he won't to get to his victim, can respawn

    can make a big jump towards the victims

  • Kills any other creatures that start looking at his face.

In idle mode, it can turn on a sedentary or crying animation!


A humanoid creature created from an unknown metal. He's very friendly.

  • Health: Immortal
  • Damage: 10
  • Ability: Cain (SCP-073) will turn grass into dirt, if any thing damages him, all damage will be reflected back to the attacker
  • He will be monsters, dangerous UPC to protect the person and the players, he will not fight back if you attack him


  • Health: 20
  • Ability: just don't let any man approach her


It looks like an ordinary cat, but much smaller! Calls for Chaos Insurgency if there is a scientist nearby.


It is a peephole, which can be in one of three variants: orange, yellow and Christmas.

  • Health: 20
  • You can tame it with an apple
  • Can move very fast
  • Ability: protects against SCP-173


She seems like a cute girl, but attacks players if they are near her.


It is a strange toy that will roll on the ground and does not cause any damage to players.


Do you think these are harmless teddy bears? In fact, they are very dangerous creatures with 200 health units and constantly attacking players!


He is extremely dangerous and has the appearance of an old man.

  • Health: 3006
  • Damage: 200
  • Ability: Can pass through any obstacles to get to his prey
  • Features: You can give it a special effect by typing this command '/function add_trail' (requires a powerful device). If you want to disable it, use this command '/function remove_trail'


  • Health: 600
  • Damage: 10
  • Ability: Attacks other monsters
  • Can reproduce naturally


  • Health: 993
  • Damage: 20
  • Ability: very huge, kills players and people


Drags players and other mobs into himself, then kills them. There will be nothing for the player in the creative mode.


There are 7 regular items and 3 SCP items available:

  • Door Rotator: used to rotate doors
  • A slice of pizza can be obtained by bargaining with scientists (Scientist), researchers (Researcher) and with SCP-458 (pizza box)
  • P90: sold by scientists
  • P90 Ammo: sold by scientists
  • Empty P90: sold by scientists
  • Keycard-1: Can be used on Containment Door doors
  • Hazmat Suit will protect you from the effects of SCP-053 for a while

Use the command '/give @s we:hazmat_suit' to get a protective suit and '/give @s we:nun_clothe' to get a nun costume.

These suits can be worn on yourself, or on a rack for armor.


  • Button: can be used to open doors
  • Lever: similar to a button
  • Keycard Reader: has three levels (yellow, blue and red)


There are two types of doors available that both players and people can interact with.

  • Sliding Door: can be opened and closed by pressing on its lower part (right)
  • Heavy Door: can only be opened by controllers
  • Sealed Door (Containment Door): can only be opened with a Keycard Reader


New blocks are available in creative mode!


With this mod, new furniture will appear in the game: a chair, a bedside table, a PC and a gaming chair.

Last update: v3 (August 31, 2021)

What's new?

  • Added new SCPs
  • New biomes added
  • Improved mob intelligence
  • Added 3D guns
  • Fixed spawn errors

Installing the SCP Foundation mod (.mcaddon):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcaddon from the link below.
  • Just open the file (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to edit the world.
  • Select Resource packs.
  • Find the texture pack and activate it.
  • Select Behavior packs.
  • Find the add-on and activate it.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Last version: v3 для [1.13+]
Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod SCP Foundation (.mcaddon)
[16.66 Mb] downloads: 43061
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    12:57 31 Mar 20
    А где найти новые блоки?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      3:30 1 Apr 20
      В креативе наверное, там сверху написано
      1. Аватарка гостя
        11:22 16 Apr 20
        Эксперементальный процесс
    2. Аватарка гостя
      12:34 13 Apr 20
      Да я скачал но блоки небили Новик толька. SCP
    3. Аватарка гостя
      11:21 16 Apr 20
      Эксперементальный игровой процесс
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:49 16 Apr 20
        Не работает
        1. Аватарка гостя
          Scp 666
          12:37 27 May 20
          Просто нажми появятся
  2. Аватарка гостя
    12:27 29 Mar 20
    А как получить ключ карту?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      11:22 16 Apr 20
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:50 16 Apr 20
        Какая команда на блоки
  3. Аватарка гостя
    20:00 26 Mar 20
    Мод за бест!!Пожалуйста по возможности сделайте таблички с рисунками Scp покрасивее, а то ничего не разберешь.И можно пожалуйста исправить некоторые баги с мобами.
    Спасибо за мод
  4. Аватарка гостя
    3:21 24 Mar 20
    У меня mod не работает но я спальню эйсипи 173 и поверх Дуся от него и у меня он убил но он был невидимый
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:56 1 Apr 20
      Чего писать научись
  5. Аватарка гостя
    19:24 20 Mar 20
    А как дверь то повернуть, она ставиться токо одной стороной( и можно ли её убрать
    1. Аватарка гостя
      11:24 16 Apr 20
      Убрать килл, повернуть дор ротатор
      1. Аватарка гостя
        Aгент Koльт
        12:28 28 Apr 20
        Как выдать дор ротатор (какой командой)??
  6. Аватарка гостя
    13:38 20 Mar 20
    Крутой мод но есть крутое команды с блоками будут работать тогда,когда вы ВКЛЮЧИТЕ ЭКСПЕРЕМЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ ПРОГРЕСС!!!
  7. Аватарка гостя
    13:37 20 Mar 20
    Прикольный мод прикольный есть это версия 1.12+ там сцп-173 круто выглядит а для ключ карты просто включите экспериментальный прогресс и все и пропишите для ключ-карту команду /give @s bd:keycard 1,2,3 и все!!!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      3:21 1 Apr 20
      А где найти камеры хранения scp?
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:57 16 Apr 20
        /function facilityb1 или 2
        1. Аватарка гостя
          5:52 17 Apr 20
          Такой команды нет
    2. Аватарка гостя
      3:22 1 Apr 20
      И вообще, где найти самих scp
      1. Аватарка гостя
        11:25 16 Apr 20
  8. Аватарка гостя
    Scp 173
    13:45 19 Mar 20
    Ещё один мод который опять без блоков и карточек даже без вращателей и других предметов есть только scp и мебель нечего больше опять переделайте мод пжжжжжжжжж блинчик!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Аватарка гостя
      20:47 23 Mar 20
      Братан карточки есть их нужно купить у Scientist учёных вот и всё
      1. Аватарка гостя
        3:24 1 Apr 20
        А зачем нужны карточки, есть ли камеры хранения scp? Да, и где встретить этих ученых?
        1. Аватарка гостя
          18:23 3 Apr 20
          Ты ***** там есть комплекс
          1. Аватарка гостя
            3:37 17 Apr 20
            Какой комплекс , я месяц с этим модом играю , я нниразу не встречал его
        2. Аватарка гостя
          13:03 16 Apr 20
          1. Аватарка гостя
            3:36 17 Apr 20
            Какие команды
      2. Аватарка гостя
        13:03 16 Apr 20
        Не надо покупать используйте команды!
    2. Аватарка гостя
      18:22 3 Apr 20
      Ты ***** карточки блоки оружие всё есть
    3. Аватарка гостя
      13:02 9 Apr 20
      а вы не пробовали включить эксперементальный игровой процесс?!
    4. Аватарка гостя
      13:02 16 Apr 20
      Ты дЭбил мод добавляет блоки , scp, людей, мебель, оружие, карты, постройки, датчики, повороты дверей и ещё кучу всего!
  9. Аватарка гостя
    15:46 16 Mar 20
    Пацаны а что делать если scp в игре нету мобов хотя он активированный в настройках может другая версия майнп нужна подскажите пж
    1. Аватарка гостя
      20:45 23 Mar 20
      Должна быть либо 1.13 либо больше ты включи в карте когда создаёшь в двоих ок
      1. Аватарка гостя
        20:14 24 Mar 20
        А можно 1.15?
  10. Аватарка гостя
    16:54 15 Mar 20
    Мод конечно хороший только как успокоить скромница а то он орёт громко и охрана на нево нападает и исправьте глюк с дверями.
    1. Аватарка гостя
      18:58 21 Mar 20
      Скромник успокаивает только смерть того кто посмотрел не его лицо
      1. Аватарка гостя
        18:59 21 Mar 20
        Либо скинь его в пустоту
    2. Аватарка гостя
      20:43 23 Mar 20
      Братан его успокоить нельзя ставь Guard которые чорно белые они просто стоят поставь дверь на рычак вот и все
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