Mod: Smelting Plus

09:00, 25 Jan 2023 (updated on: 20:49, 18 Jul 2024) 10 186
Mod Smelting Plus allows you to better melt the items you found or created in Minecraft. Instead of getting only a gold or iron nugget, now you will get an ingot. It is also possible to melt diamond and netherite items. Works with any furnace, ordinary or explosive.
List of items you can melt:
- Iron tools, armor and iron horse armor
- Golden tools, armor and golden horse armor
- Diamond tools, armor and diamond horse armor
- Netherite tools and armor

List of items you will receive:
- Iron Ingot
- Gold Ingot
- Diamond
- Netherite ingot

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download Smelting Plus mod (.mcpack)
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