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ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: CoronaVirus Prevention 1.14+

Mod: CoronaVirus Prevention 1.14+

Mod: CoronaVirus Prevention 1.14+
17:41, 27 Mar 2020 23 665
Due to the recent spread of Covid-19, commonly known as coronavirus infection, Mojang has started publishing useful information about prevention in the menu of the Java version of Minecraft. Mod CoronaVirus Prevention is designed to do the same, but for Minecraft Bedrock (PE)!

Phrases will appear as splashes in the main menu in English and Russian.

Mod: CoronaVirus Prevention 1.14+

They will also appear during the loading of your worlds!

These are effective methods of preventing infection with coronavirus infection advises the mod:
  • Stay home and play games! - Stay at home and play games!
  • Wash your hand! - Wash your hands!
  • Don't touch your face! - Don't touch your face!
  • Gamers unite - separately in your own homes! - Gamers unite - but each separately in his own house!
  • Prepare, but don't hoard! - Be ready, but don't stock up!
  • Hang out with your friends online! - Hang out online with your friends!
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow! - Cough and sneeze while covering your face with your elbow!
  • Save world - stay inside! - Save the world - stay at home!
  • Stay Strong! <3 — Stay strong! <3

With this mod we recommend download a Chemical Protection skin to stay safe even in the Minecraft world.

Share this mod with your friends to help avoid the virus during self-isolation!

Installing the CoronaVirus Prevention mod (.mcaddon):

  • Download the mod file marked .mcaddon from the link below.
  • Just open the file (via ES Explorer on Android) and the game will install everything you need by itself.
  • Launch Minecraft and go to the game settings.
  • Select Global Resources.
  • Find the kit and activate it.
  • The mod is installed, have a nice game!

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Download mod CoronaVirus Prevention (.mcaddon)
[12.2 Kb] downloads: 2737
Supported versions
22 comment
Amogus bb blobDance catKISS KEKW MODS MONKE NOOOO peepoSleep popCat ratJAM roflanUpalo WHAT WAA WAWA GIGACHAD RAGEY
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    14:58 5 Jan 22
    Бл_ять дол_боё_бы пид_оры бл_я на_хе_ра пи_здите про ви_рус которым нек_то не за_бо_ле_вае_т? Если что я EHOT EHOTbI4
  2. Аватарка гостя
    18:47 8 May 20
    Для чего был создан этот отвратительный бесполезный мод ????!!!!!
  3. Аватарка гостя
    4:33 3 May 20
    Ненавижу этот вирус! Из-за него закрыли тренировку! Эээххх скучаю по спарингамм как крута была?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      zip Live
      21:53 23 Oct 20
      ага.у меня точно токоеже
  4. Аватарка гостя
    4:47 21 Apr 20
    ***** вы со своей бацилой **** сидите дома и не *******
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Арува Котов
    10:40 14 Apr 20
    Я залогонилься
  6. Аватарка гостя
    Нормальный человек
    13:08 11 Apr 20
    задолбали вы уже с этим вирусом. Других тем что ли больше нет?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:39 14 Apr 20
  7. Аватарка гостя
    14:59 6 Apr 20
    Каронавирус нет нет нет
    Каронавирус кет кет кет
    Каронавирус жақындама жолама
  8. Аватарка гостя
    17:05 5 Apr 20
    Достали своим корононавирусом игры толька портите
    1. Аватарка гостя
      16:10 10 Apr 20
      Слыш к**** чем портит
      1. Аватарка гостя
        10:40 14 Apr 20
        Как залогониться?XD
  9. Аватарка гостя
    Random chel
    13:04 2 Apr 20
    Даже не скачал а уже понял - это очень полезно.
  10. Аватарка гостя
    Minecraft TV
    12:06 2 Apr 20
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