Map: iPhone X

On the map iPhone X for Minecraft Pocket Edition, a full-fledged model of one of the most popular smartphones from Apple on the market has been recreated! Despite the fact that it is possible to interact with this iPhone, nevertheless, its functionality is very limited. But nevertheless, it's still cool!
You can use an iPhone similarly to using a smartphone in real life. To turn on the phone, you need to fly up to the power button on the side. It will load in a few seconds.
Minimum drawing distance: 10 chunks!

Swipe with your finger on the screen to unlock the iPhone. There are several apps that you can access. To do this, you just need to fly up to the icon.

Installing the iPhone X map (.mcworld):
- Download the map file .mcworld from the link below.
- Just open the file and the game will install all the necessary files by itself.
- Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition and find the map in the list of worlds.
- Launch the map and enjoy it!