Texture: Netherite Update

12:24, 14 Sep 2022 13 237
Textures Netherite Update change the appearance of netherite in Minecraft. This texture pack enhances netherite items by adding gold and, in some cases, diamond particles to ingots, armor, tools, and weapons.
There are many textures of nerite in vanilla style, but none of them was attractive enough for the author of the pack, so he improved the existing ones.

New textures:

There are many textures of nerite in vanilla style, but none of them was attractive enough for the author of the pack, so he improved the existing ones.

New textures:
- All Netherite tools
- Netherite helmet, armor, greaves and boots
- Netherite scrap, Ancient Debris and Netherite block

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
Скачать текстуры Netherite Update (.mcpack)
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