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Mod: Space Craft

Mod: Space Craft
19:34, 15 Nov 2021 100 980
Mod Space Craft will add a lot of new structures, decorative blocks, new mobs, recipes and much more. The purpose of this add-on is to in Minecraft PE This addon adds new structures, decorative blocks, entities, crafting blocks and more. The goal of this addon is to make Minecraft have more things about space, such as working rockets, steel, more crafting tables and much more! The next update will add new rockets and a lunar dimension. Enjoy the addon!

In editing the world, enable the experiment functions.

New blocks

The mod adds a lot of new blocks, among which there are ores, decorative blocks, new workbenches and blocks used in recipes.

Asteroid block

The stone block of the asteroid is mainly used for decoration. One of the ways to get an asteroid stone is to find it in fallen meteorites.

Mod: Space Craft

In addition, there are various types of crashed meteorites and there are only three versions of them.

Meteors with diamonds.

Meteors with gold.

Ordinary meteors.

Most of these blocks can be obtained in survival mode. You can also use the command '/give @p spacecraft:[block name]' to get the required block.

Martian blocks

The following blocks are available: Martian Dust and Martian Stone Block. Martian dust is like sand.

In the screenshot below, the dust is on top, the stone block is on the bottom.

Moon blocks

The following blocks are available: Moon Dust and Moonstone.


The rocket will allow you to travel to other moons of the planets and to the planets themselves, like Mars.

Get into the rocket and in 3 seconds it will launch. The rocket can only be placed on the blocks of the launch pad. If you want to get out of it, just sit down.

Launch pad

New workbenches

The mod adds two new blocks that are used to create various items and blocks. These workbenches will allow you to create rocket parts, steel, rockets and much more.

A workbench for creating rockets

This workbench is used to create rocket parts or the missiles themselves. The workbench itself can only be created via An improved anvil!

The recipe for creating a workbench is shown in the screenshot below.

Improved anvil

The improved anvil is used to make steel, steel plates and more.

The recipe for the anvil is shown in the screenshot below and you can use a regular workbench to create it.


Used only in recipes. At the moment, the hammer is only used when creating an anvil.

Cast iron and cast steel

Cast iron is the basis in addon. Put the iron ingot into the furnace to get it.

Cast steel is made from cast iron and coal.


Steel is the most important element.

Steel ingot

Use Improved anvil and cast steel to create a steel ingot.

Steel plate

You will be able to create rocket parts from a steel plate.

To create it, use An improved anvil.

Rocket details

In total, there are three parts of the rocket that can be combined into a single rocket. Engine, fairing and fuel tank.

To create parts, be sure to use A workbench for creating rockets!

Rocket engine

The engine is the most important part of rockets. It is created from steel plates, fire powder and red dust.


The fairing is the uppermost part of the rocket.

Fuel tank

The fuel tank is the last part to create a rocket. It is a block that can be placed anywhere.

Creating a rocket

Use all three components and A workbench for creating rockets to create the rocket itself.

You can also create a launch pad.


The landscape of the moon is completely flat, but has a variety of craters. In addition, it is infinite, and the only way to return to the normal world is to enter the command /function return_to_earth.

The World of the Moon in Minecraft


Aluminum is a new ore that is generated only on the moon. Below you can see how aluminum ore and lunar iron ore look like.

Aluminum in Minecraft

Raw aluminum

Raw aluminum

Aluminum ingot

Aluminum ingot

Advanced crafting table

The improved workbench is similar to a regular workbench, but it will get different functions in the future. Not used yet.

Crafting an improved craft table


So far, only one board is available, used to create an improved workbench.

Crafting a technical board

Last update: November 15, 2021.
What's new?
  • Added titanium ingots
  • Added raw titanium
  • Updated some textures
  • Removed the Mars Rocket
  • Fixed some bugs
  • Improved lunar crater generation
  • Added a flag
  • Added new recipes

Compatibility: Android / IOS / Windows 10 / Xbox One
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  1. Аватарка гостя
    16:16 1 Feb 22
    Не как
  2. Аватарка гостя
    lol top
    6:10 8 Dec 21
    Как взлитеть
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:43 7 Jun 22
  3. Аватарка гостя
    0:10 22 Nov 21
    Я не пон там картинке космос паказан я паставил ракету и взлетел и я спрыгнул я не пон
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:24 3 Jan 22
      ууу,мало того что ты не ходил в школу,так ты еще имя петушка взял,он опущенный,прям как ты,иди в школу
      1. Аватарка гостя
        12:36 31 May 22
        Че, аххахаха
  4. Аватарка гостя
    12:09 20 Nov 21
    А где космос? На картинках мода он есть, а в майн крафте я падаю с ракеты.
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Games play
    19:05 18 Nov 21
    Я надеюсь что етот мод будет развиваться аж к оригинальному моду galacty craft из Майнкрафт джава и ето все будет я ждут от етого мода крутих обновлений
  6. Аватарка гостя
    lol top
    11:01 16 Nov 21
    Мод фигня полная на етой ракете даже не возможно летать. Гавно мод ?
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:44 7 Jun 22
  7. Аватарка гостя
    15:24 24 Oct 21
    Что за фигня?
  8. Аватарка гостя
    18:24 7 May 21
    Мод ТОП1, но добавьте пожалуйста планеты
  9. Аватарка гостя
    23:44 3 May 21
    Тот кто добавил сюда этот мод сказал что
    в следующем обновлении добавят лунное измерение, щас в моде нет планет, но потом с обновлениями добавятся планеты
    1. Аватарка гостя
      17:54 3 Aug 22
      Подробнее пж
  10. Аватарка гостя
    Я Юра
    21:40 2 May 21
    А сколько лететь надо
    1. Аватарка гостя
      18:42 16 Jun 21
      Тут нет планет, пока что
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