ModsCraft » Mods » Mod: Little Nightmares

Mod: Little Nightmares

Mod: Little Nightmares
04:49, 5 Aug 2021 46 434
The Little Nightmares It was released in 2017 and immediately gained popularity and fans, and a sequel was released in 2021. In this small but very atmospheric game, the player goes into childhood nightmares, encountering creepy monsters. This mod is completely based on her and adds various creatures to Minecraft! It is important to note that each creature has its own animation, elaborated behavior and characteristics.

  • Health: 20 units
  • Abilities: tries to run away from dangerous things and may experience terrible hunger

Sixth in Minecraft

  • Health: 20 units
  • Abilities: tries to run away from dangerous things and defends himself by raising his weapon

Mono in Minecraft

Mono picks up the weapon:

Mono picks up weapons in Minecraft

Runaway Kid
  • Health: 20 units
  • Abilities: avoids dangers and hugs nomes

Runaway child in Minecraft

  • Health: 20 units
  • Abilities: runs away from monsters and the player, hugs the Sixth and the Runaway child

Nomes in Minecraft

The Bullies
  • Health: 20 units
  • Damage: 5 units
  • Jump damage: 20 units
  • Ability: can jump on target
  • Feature: if tied to a leash and fence, it will have a fall animation

Hooligans in Minecraft

Hooligans can be kept on a leash and they have a funny animation, just like in the original game!

Hooligans on a leash in Minecraft

You can put on a mask, then the Bullies will not pay attention to you.

Doll mask in Minecraft

The Janitor
  • Mini boss
  • Health: 300 or 500 units
  • Damage: 20 units
  • Two types of attack: normal and capture
  • Ability: Blind, but oriented sounds
  • Does not cause damage when captured

Watchman in Minecraft

Grab Attack:

Watchman attacks in Minecraft

The Janitor puts the Sixth in a cage:

The Janitor grabbed the Sixth in Minecraft

The Twin Chef
  • Health: 3000 units
  • Damage: 10 units
  • Abilities: can cook (even creatures from this mod)

Twin Chefs in Minecraft

The cook cuts the meat:

The cook cuts the meat in Minecraft

The cook cooks the meat:

The cook cooks the meat in Minecraft

The cook chases the Sixth and sends her into the cauldron:

The cook runs for the Sixth
The cook grabbed for Sixth

The Lady
  • Health: 6 hits with a mirror (you can't do damage with other things)
  • Abilities: Turns things into Nome
  • Turns into a boss next to the mirror

Lady in Minecraft

A lady turns a child into a Nome:

The hostess turns the child into Nome


Supported versions
Bosses / Mobs / Animation
Amogus bb blobDance catKISS KEKW MODS MONKE NOOOO peepoSleep popCat ratJAM roflanUpalo WHAT WAA WAWA GIGACHAD RAGEY
reload, if the code cannot be seen
  1. Аватарка гостя
    Серьёзный чел
    9:04 31 Dec 24
    Единственное судя по тому что нам показывают тут нет училки, охотника и доктора
  2. Аватарка гостя
    16:54 7 Feb 23
    Мода просто нету его в игре нету чзх исправьте пж
  3. Аватарка гостя
    17:40 19 Jun 22
    Я тоже хочу чтоб работало на версии 1.16.50 1.16.5 я немогу нормальный мод скачать один хотябы????????
  4. Аватарка гостя
    17:34 15 Apr 22
    Обновите пожалуйста до 1.18
    1. Аватарка гостя
      10:40 16 Apr 22
      поч нету 1.16.5?
  5. Аватарка гостя
    Я немагу скачат аадон нева
    16:08 26 Nov 21
    1. Аватарка гостя
      Ржака вошла на сцену.
      15:17 6 Jan 22
      Чего б***ь
  6. Аватарка гостя
    19:09 24 Aug 21
    Хороший аддон
  7. Аватарка гостя
    20:29 6 Aug 21
    Почему мод работает на полавину????? Скажите Пожалуйста.
  8. Аватарка гостя
    12:19 6 Aug 21
    Как дать оружие моно он на него просто смотрит
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